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Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
Written specifically for the AP® Environmental Science course, Friedland and Relyea Environmental Science for AP® Second Edition, is designed to help you realize success on the AP® Environmental Science Exam and in your course by providing the built-in support you want and ne...
Written specifically for the AP® Environmental Science course, Friedland and Relyea Environmental Science for AP® Second Edition, is designed to help you realize success on the AP® Environmental Science Exam and in your course by providing the built-in support you want and need.
In the new edition, each chapter is broken into short, manageable modules to help students learn at an ideal pace. Do the Math boxes review quantitative skills and offer you a chance to practice the math you need to know to succeed. Module AP® Review questions, Unit AP® Practice Exams, and a full length cumulative AP® Practice test offer unparalleled, integrated support to prepare you for the real AP® Environmental Science exam in May. The new edition also features a breakthrough in digital-based learning—an edaptext, powered by Copia Class.ISBN:9781464156168
Read and study old-school with our bound texts.
Written specifically for the AP® Environmental Science course, Friedland and Relyea Environmental Science for AP® Second Edition, is designed to help you realize success on the AP® Environmental Science Exam and in your course by providing the built-in support you want and need.
In the new edition, each chapter is broken into short, manageable modules to help students learn at an ideal pace. Do the Math boxes review quantitative skills and offer you a chance to practice the math you need to know to succeed. Module AP® Review questions, Unit AP® Practice Exams, and a full length cumulative AP® Practice test offer unparalleled, integrated support to prepare you for the real AP® Environmental Science exam in May. The new edition also features a breakthrough in digital-based learning—an edaptext, powered by Copia Class.Features
Organized to follow AP® Environmental Science (APES) Course Guidelines.
AP® style multiple choice and free response questions "Do the Math" Boxes allow students to review and practice basic math concepts such as dimensional analysis, unit conversion, working with data, reading and interpreting graphs, etc. that are necessary to handle the quantitative material associated with the APES course. The boxes are strategically placed to guide struggling math students through the course. Each "Do the Math" box has a "Your Turn" practice problem to help you review and practice the math skills introduced. Chapter Opening Case Studies encourage students to think about the environmental challenges and trade-offs that are introduced. The subjects of these studies often will spark spirited class discussion. Working Toward Sustainability sections show how individuals in the U.S. and around the world are using science to create a more sustainable world. Now with critical thinking questions! Science Applied sections explore an important environmental issue and offer students an opportunity to see science in action. Now with review questions and practice FRQ! Exam Prep All Year: Module AP® Review questions, Unit AP® Practice Exams, and a full length cumulative AP® Practice test to help students prepare all year. An unsurpassed ancillary program written by leaders in APESNew to This Edition
Teachers Edition"I loved the pictures/figures of the fish ladders, the solar cooking in Chad, the charcoal sales and the geographic variation of solar (to name a few). These are all classic examples of things that other texts fail to address. I have these examples in my own PowerPoints and class work in some fashion because they are undoubtedly important. Your chapter has very current, very relevant information that is unique... not the standard, basic APES® info."
—Tammy Keilman, Crown Point High School (IN)
"As a long-time AP Exam Reader, I think it is important that the text is built from the ground up with APES in mind. As a long-time advocate for science literacy the Science Applied goal is extremely important to me."
—Jeffery A. Schneider, State University of New York at Oswego (NY)
"I like that it’s modeled after the APES framework. This makes the content more accessible to my high school students -- Even though they’re expected to do college-level work in this course, they are still high school students. The thematic approach would give them a better sense of the big picture more effectively than a collection of separate topics would. The Science Applied sections add relevant, current real-world examples – something the students always ask for more of."
—Allison L. Winward, Kamiakin High School (WA)
"This is the first AP® Environmental Science Textbook that I have seen that truly focuses on the needs of high school students taking a rigorous university course and preparing for the challenging AP® Exam."
—Jay Kurima, Fort Worth Independent School District (TX)
"This is a text that faithfully follows the mandated APES topic outline so using it will ensure that students taking the course will be exposed to all the necessary topics. The book is current (which is essential in a text like this) and easy to understand. It also offers some valuable extras such as the practice multiple choice and free-response questions. It also includes mathematical problem solving (another essential requirement for APES courses). Lastly, it is easy for students to understand and as the author states, “The text is comprehensive yet enables students to identify important concepts without being overwhelmed by excessive lists, boxes, or terminology.”
—Frank Kuserk, Moravian College (PA)
"I find these chapters less cumbersome, more cohesive, more readable, and better directed toward the intent of the APES® curriculum."
—Gary Osowick, Taunton High School (MA)
"I like the way it is written, very appropriate for the high school AP student. It manages to present information at a level that is neither too simplistic or childish, nor overly complicated. I also like the fact that at several different points the authors make a concerted effort to teach both sides of an issue and recognize that while man has potential to cause environmental damage, we also have the potential to solve a lot of the problems. I also found the inclusion of math based questions and queries to be a potentially invaluable addition."
—Jonathan D. Cole, Holmdel High School (NJ)
"It is an engaging text filled with relevant and interesting examples. The end-of-chapter questions are good and there are excellent examples of the types of calculations that are required on the AP® Exam. The Science Applied sections make good use of the concepts discussed in the chapter."
—Judith Perrella, Academy of the Holy Names (FL)
"The character of the examples is what sets this book apart for me. The author enhances his discussions through example very effectively, more effectively than other texts I have reviewed. This makes for a very open, readable text, and is also an excellent strategy for targeting the high-school age market. For me, it is the author’s effective illumination of topic through example that is the book’s ‘value added’. The effectiveness of this prose style would probably be a primary reason for selecting this text over another."
—J. Dirk Valk, McKeel Academy of Technology (FL)
"The science applied would resonate favorably with high school students and would help very much in presenting arguments on various environmental issues on the free response question on the AP® test."
—Annetta Pasquarello, Triton Regional High School (NJ)
Well-written, teacher and student- friendly and great FRQs at the end of the chapter.
—Pamela J. Shlachtman, Miami Palmetto High School (FL)
The ‘science applied’ add-ons to the chapters are a great idea. It gives an opportunity to introduce a new issue within the chapter’s context or framework.
—Jason Y. Choi, Sleepy Hollow High School (NY)
I finished my second year of teaching APES and almost all my students scored a 4 or 5. Thanks again for your great textbook and your support! The class is a huge hit and has gone from 12 students to 18 the second year, to 23 signed up for this coming school year!
—Sarah Van Dyke Vail Christian High School"It has been exciting to watch the development of a text that understands both the demands of AP and the challenges of teaching environmental science in a high school setting. With a systems thinking model at its core, the Friedland text provides teachers and students with an incredible set of resources to backstop a first-tier text that strikes a perfect balance between rigor and accessibility. The easily adaptable structure of the text allows users to modify their course to adapt to a range of school calendars and teaching schedules while ensuring the coverage of required concepts and a wide range of case studies. The authors global approach encourages development of critical thinking skills and an analytical approach that are valuable for students well beyond the success that they will find on the AP Exam."
—Brian Palm, Brooks School (MA)After switching to Friedland/Relyea, our pass rate has been 100% for two years and our mean 4.4. The clarity of the text and the supporting instructor resources made the difference for us. Best textbook switch ever!
—Kerryane Monahan, Saint Edward’s School (FL)
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
Rick Relyea is the David Darrin Senior ‘40 Endowed Chair in Biological Sciences and the director of the Darrin Freshwater Institute at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He received a BS in environmental forest biology from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, an MS in wildlife management from Texas Tech University, and a PhD in ecology and evolution from the University of Michigan. He has authored more than 200 scientific articles and book chapters and presented research seminars throughout the world. Rick was a professor at the University of Pittsburgh for 15 years, where he was named the Chancellor’s Distinguished Researcher and received the Tina and David Bellet Teaching Excellence Award. In 2014, he moved to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to direct The Jefferson Project, which is the most technologically advanced research endeavor to study freshwater lakes. Rick has a strong interest in high school education, including hosting high school science teachers who conduct research in his laboratory. He is co-author of Environmental Science for the AP® Course, also published by BFW publishers.
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Environmental Decision Making (Part 1)
Training & Support
Environmental Decision Making (Part 2)
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Environmental Decision Making (Part 3)
Training & Support
Environmental Decision Making (Part 4)
Training & Support
Environmental Decision Making (Part 5)
Training & Support
Environmental Decision Making (Part 6)
Training & Support
Environmental Decision Making (Part 7)
Training & Support
Environmental Decision Making: Maintaining the Big Picture with Andy Friedland
Environmental Science for AP® 2nd Edition Video Walkthrough
Take a Tour
FRQ Hints for the AP® Environmental Science Exam (Part 1)
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FRQ Hints for the AP® Environmental Science Exam (Part 2)
Training & Support
FRQ Hints for the AP® Environmental Science Exam (Part 3)
Training & Support
FRQ Hints for the AP® Environmental Science Exam (Part 4)
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FRQ Hints for the AP® Environmental Science Exam (Part 5)
Training & Support
FRQ Hints for the AP® Environmental Science Exam (Part 6)
Training & Support
FRQ Hints for the AP® Environmental Science Exam (Part 7)
Training & Support
Good Luck in AP® Environmental Science from Andy Friedland
Good Luck in AP® Environmental Science from Rick Relyea
Good Luck on the AP Environmental Science Exam from Rick Relyea
Incorporating Current Events in your AP® Environmental Science Class with Andy Friedland
The Environmental Impact of the Flint, MI Water Crisis (Part 1)
Part 1 of 6
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The Environmental Impact of the Flint, MI Water Crisis (Part 2)
Part 2 of 6
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The Environmental Impact of the Water Crisis in Flint, MI (Part 3)
Part 3 of 6
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The Environmental Impact of the Water Crisis in Flint, MI (Part 4)
Part 4 of 6
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The Environmental Impact of the Water Crisis in Flint, MI (Part 5)
Part 5 of 6
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The Environmental Impact of the Water Crisis in Flint, MI (Part 6)
Part 6 of 6
Training & Support
Water & Droughts in AP® Environmental Science
Training & Support
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These materials are owned by BFW High School Publishers or its licensors and are protected by United States copyright law. They are being provided solely for evaluation purposes only by instructors who are considering adopting BFW High School Publishers’s textbooks or online products for use by students in their courses. These materials may not be copied, distributed, sold, shared, posted online, or used, in print or electronic format, except in the limited circumstances set forth in the BFW High School Publishers Terms of Use and any other reproduction or distribution is illegal. These materials may not be made publicly available under any circumstances. All other rights reserved. © 2020 BFW High School Publishers.
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