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Everything You Need to Know about College Writing, 2016 MLA Update
First Edition| ©2017 Lynne Lerych; Allison DeBoer Criswell
THIS TITLE HAS BEEN UPDATED TO REFLECT THE 2016 MLA UPDATES! Our editorial team has updated this text based on content from The MLA Handbook, 8th Edition. Browse our catalog or contact your representative for a full listing of updated titles and packages, or to request a custom ISBN.
In th...
THIS TITLE HAS BEEN UPDATED TO REFLECT THE 2016 MLA UPDATES! Our editorial team has updated this text based on content from The MLA Handbook, 8th Edition. Browse our catalog or contact your representative for a full listing of updated titles and packages, or to request a custom ISBN.
In their teaching, community college instructors Lynne Lerych and Allison DeBoer Criswell have discovered that a unique combination of humor and coaching helps overwhelmed students successfully master the conventions of academic writing. Now they have translated their experience into an engaging text to reach even the most wary students.
Everything You Need to Know About College Writing is anchored by a sequenced, hands-on-approach to teaching rhetorical skills that help students face their fears of writing. This practical method starts by modeling each concept in action, then asks students to discuss and explore the concept together, and ends with an opportunity to practice. The authors’ compelling tone—and presence as illustrated characters throughout the book— keep students returning to the text for more on-the-page instruction. Filled with relevant student examples at every stage of the writing process, illustrated student writers whose progress and thought process the text follows, and engaging activities at when they’re needed most, the text offers a unique way of untangling the toughest writing tasks while helping students to learn from mistakes.
Plenty of grammar and mechanics coverage, plus tips throughout, help even the most reluctant writers stay on track. A mini-reader, a brief section on writing across the curriculum, and another on citation conventions appear at the end of the book to round out its robust support for all elements of a writing course in a small package.
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Humor and coaching to help students succeed.
THIS TITLE HAS BEEN UPDATED TO REFLECT THE 2016 MLA UPDATES! Our editorial team has updated this text based on content from The MLA Handbook, 8th Edition. Browse our catalog or contact your representative for a full listing of updated titles and packages, or to request a custom ISBN.
In their teaching, community college instructors Lynne Lerych and Allison DeBoer Criswell have discovered that a unique combination of humor and coaching helps overwhelmed students successfully master the conventions of academic writing. Now they have translated their experience into an engaging text to reach even the most wary students.
Everything You Need to Know About College Writing is anchored by a sequenced, hands-on-approach to teaching rhetorical skills that help students face their fears of writing. This practical method starts by modeling each concept in action, then asks students to discuss and explore the concept together, and ends with an opportunity to practice. The authors’ compelling tone—and presence as illustrated characters throughout the book— keep students returning to the text for more on-the-page instruction. Filled with relevant student examples at every stage of the writing process, illustrated student writers whose progress and thought process the text follows, and engaging activities at when they’re needed most, the text offers a unique way of untangling the toughest writing tasks while helping students to learn from mistakes.
Plenty of grammar and mechanics coverage, plus tips throughout, help even the most reluctant writers stay on track. A mini-reader, a brief section on writing across the curriculum, and another on citation conventions appear at the end of the book to round out its robust support for all elements of a writing course in a small package.
Everything you need – in a compact package. Everything You Need to Know about College Writing takes seriously the idea that all of the key elements of a writing course can come in a small package that won’t overwhelm students. With a guide, mini-reader and plenty of grammar packed into about 500 pages, students will find the text approachable and thorough.
A sequenced approach to applying concepts and learning skills helps students get past their frustrations with the writing process so that they can become better writers. In every chapter, activities are first modeled (Let Us Show You), then discussed with peers (Talk Amongst Yourselves), before finally being assigned for practice (Now You Try). This three-step process offers students a stress-free way to learn rhetorical skills.|
Additional review and practice features allow students to master essential skills. The Reality Check! feature presents key skills concisely for easy reference throughout the book, while the Practice! Feature offers short quizzes on key issues in mechanics and style.
Sample student and professional writing throughout provides models and encouragement for students new to college writing. Two illustrated student characters, Mara and Casey, engage in everything from pre-writing to final drafts, asking questions, finding solutions and gaining confidence every step of the way. Seven complete college-level readings appear at the back of the book in an appendix, while excerpts from professional texts appear throughout.
Grammar coverage is presented in a mini-handbook and in tips throughout. The book’s final section, Fine-Tuning the Text, teaches students about key issues in grammar, usage, mechanics and style, while the Grammster character—a wise grammar-loving hamster—offers insight and encouragement at every step. Appendix A offers basic grammar and punctuation material in a reference format.
A fun, approachable tone makes college-level material engaging and relevant to students. The authors appear as characters Lynne and Allison, teaching material, discussing common issues, and commenting helpfully on professional and student work, including the work of student characters, Casey and Mara.
New to This Edition

Everything You Need to Know about College Writing, 2016 MLA Update
First Edition| ©2017
Lynne Lerych; Allison DeBoer Criswell

Everything You Need to Know about College Writing, 2016 MLA Update
First Edition| 2017
Lynne Lerych; Allison DeBoer Criswell
Table of Contents
Foreword for Students: Don’t skip this part—it’s importantPreface for Instructors Psst, students! You can read this too!Part 1: Reading and Writing Basics
Chapter 1. The Writing Process: It’s a Journey and a Destination
Did You Know That Essay Means To Try?
Set Your Mind on Grow
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Writing Is a Process – But One Size Does Not Fit All
Variations on the Writing Process
Stages of the Writing Process
Reality Check! The Writing Process
Reality Check! Using this Book
The Communication Triangle
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Communication Triangle
The Rhetorical Situation: Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?
Let Us Show You: Analyzing the Rhetorical Situation
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Analyzing the Rhetorical Situation
Audience Awareness in College Writing
Apply What You Know…Right Now
Reality Check! The Rhetorical SituationChapter 3. Reading and Writing: Two Sides of the Same Coin
The Reading-Writing Relationship
Why Writers Read
Reading for Context
Reality Check! Reading for Context
Let Us Show You: Searching for Context
Reality Check! Web Domains and Reliability
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Searching for Context
Let Us Show You: Exploring Context
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Exploring ContextChapter 4. How to Read? Why, Recursively, of Course
The First Reading: Relax
Let Us Show You: The First Reading
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The First Reading
The Second Reading: Engage
Read Actively
Reality Check! Active Reading
Let Us Show You: The Second Reading
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Second Reading
The Third Reading: Achieve Harmony
Let Us Show You: The Third Reading
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Third Reading
Reality Check! Recursive Reading
Helpful Hint: Recording Your ResultsPart 2: PrewritingChapter 5. Prewriting: Where on Earth Do I Begin?
The Intellectual Road Trip
Understanding the Assignment
Know What You Are Required to Do
Reality Check! Understanding the Assignment
Ask Questions
When is it Due?
Let Us Show You: Understanding the Assignment
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Understanding the Assignment
Practice! Understanding the Assignment
Generating Ideas
Let Us Show You: Brainstorming
Now You Try: Brainstorming
Reality Check! Where to Begin Chapter 6. From Brainstorming to Topic: I Have Some Ideas…Now What?
Reality Check! From Brainstorm to Topic
Orient Yourself to Your Topic
Reality Check! Topic Orientation
Let Us Show You: Topic Orientation
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Topic Orientation
Focused Freewriting
Let Us Show You: Focused Freewriting
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Focused Freewriting
Reality Check! Focused Freewriting
Stay on Track with Your Topic
Reality Check! Stay on Track with Your Topic
How to Stay on Track
Let Us Show You: Stay on Track with Your Topic
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Stay on Track with Your Information
Reality Check! Stay on Track with Your Information
Let Us Show You: Stay on Track with Your Information
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Prewriting— the Whole Shebang
Reality Check! Focusing Your Ideas
Chapter 7. From Writing Process to Written Product: You Can Get There from Here
The Products of Writing
Make Yes, No, and Maybe Piles
Bring More Order to the Chaos
Let Us Show You: Organizing Your Ideas
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Organizing Your Ideas
The Controlling Idea
What Is a Thesis? And How Does it “Work”?
The Working Thesis
Crafting the Working Thesis
Reality Check! The Working Thesis
Let Us Show You: The Working Thesis
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Working Thesis
Reality Check! Are You Ready to Draft?
Part 3: Drafting
Chapter 8. Draft and Draft Again: Give Your Ideas Room to Breathe
Reality Check! Are You Ready to Write?
How to Begin a Draft
Reality Check! Ingredients for the Draft
Five Steps Towards a Successful First Draft
Let Us Show You: Beginning a Draft
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Beginning a Draft
Overcome Writer’s Block
Anti-Writer’s Block Strategy #1: Get Ready
Anti-Writer’s Block Strategy #2: Know What a Draft is—and What it Isn’t
Anti-Writer’s Block Strategy #3: Start Anywhere
Anti-Writer’s Block Strategy #4: Write Without Fear
Let Us Show You: Actual Drafting
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Actual Drafting
Reality Check! Slaying Writer’s Block
Reality Check! Is it Really a Draft?
Chapter 9. Successful Paragraphs: Don’t Leave Home Without Them
The Structure of Successful Paragraphs
Topic Sentences and Main Points
Induction vs. Deduction
Inductive Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning
Reality Check! The Sandwich Syllogism for Deductive Reasoners
Structuring with Induction and Deduction
Let Us Show You: Topic Sentences and Structure
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Topic Sentences and Structure
The Body of the Paragraph
Let Us Show You: The Body
The Closing Statement, or Clincher
Let Us Show You: The Clincher
Paragraph Quality: Unity, Development, Organization, Coherence
Achieve Unity
Develop Your Paragraph
Organize Your Paragraph
Achieve Coherence
Let Us Show You: Paragraph Structure and Quality
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Paragraph Structure and Quality
Reality Check! Paragraph Structure and Quality
Chapter 10. Analytical Paragraphs: A College Student’s Best Friend
The Claim
Let Us Show You: The Claim
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Claim
The Context
Let Us Show You: The Context
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Context
The Evidence
Let Us Show You: The Evidence
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Evidence
The Analysis
Let Us Show You: The Analysis
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Analysis
The Synthesis
Let Us Show You: The Synthesis
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Synthesis
The Complete Analytical Paragraph
Let Us Show You: The Complete Analytical Paragraph
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Complete Analytical Paragraph
Reality Check! The Analytical Paragraph
Chapter 11. Modes of Rhetoric: Different Ways of Thinking
Form Follows Function
The Modes of Rhetoric
General vs. Specific Modes
Modes of Rhetoric Toolkit
Comparison and Contrast
Causal Analysis
Effect Analysis
Practice! Modes of Rhetoric
Let Us Show You: Modes of Rhetoric
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Modes of Rhetoric
Bonus Task!
Reality Check! The Rhetorical Situation
Part 4: Revising and Editing
Chapter 12. Levels of Revision: One Step at a Time
Revision is for the Reader
Learn to Care and Not to Care
Preparing to Revise: Get Feedback
Peer Review: What to Expect
Useful Critiques
What to Comment On
Let Us Show You: Peer Review
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Peer Review
Reality Check! Peer Review
Instructor Critique: What to Expect
What Will Your Professor Say?
What Will Your Professor Mean?
Four Levels of Revision: Content, Structure, Coherence and Precision
Reality Check! The Four Levels of Revision
Let Us Show You: Preparing to Revise
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Preparing to Revise
Chapter 13. Content Revision: Say What You Mean, and Mean What You Say
Revision Means Re-Vision
Reality Check! Content Revision
Does Your Thesis Have Issues?
Does Your Argument Work?
Is Your Essay Unified?
Let Us Show You: Content-Level Revision
Talk Amongst Yourselves….
Now You Try: Content-Level Revision
Reverse-Engineer Your Draft
The Formal Outline: Oh, Relax! This Won’t Hurt a Bit
The Format of a Formal Outline
The Sentence Outline
Let Us Show You: Reverse-Engineer Your Draft
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Reverse-Engineer Your Draft
Chapter 14. Structural Revision: Does It Have to Be a Five-Paragraph Essay?
Structure Your Draft
Inductive vs. Deductive Organization
Inductive Organization
Deductive Organization
Reality Check! Inductive vs. Deductive Structure
Let Us Show You: The Overall Structure
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Overall Structure
Effective Body Paragraphs
Reality Check! Effective Body Paragraphs
Let Us Show You: Effective Body Paragraphs
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Effective Body Paragraphs
Specialty Paragraphs: The Introduction (and the Main Point)
V-Shaped Introductions
The Main Point
Let Us Show You: Introductions and Main Points
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Introductions and Main Points
Specialty Paragraphs: The Conclusion (and the Main Point)
Reality Check! The Conclusion
Let Us Show You: The Conclusion (and the Main Point)
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Conclusion (and the Main Point)
Reality Check! Revising for Structure
Chapter 15. Editing for Coherence and Precision: Words Mean Things
Use Transitions to Create Coherence
Transitions Within Sentences and Paragraphs
Reality Check! Useful Transitions
Practice! Using Transitions in Sentences
Transitions Between Paragraphs
Reality Check! Coherent Transitions
Now You Try: Coherent Transitions
Achieve a Coherent Tone
Misjudging the Rhetorical Situation
Dangers of Overwriting
Dangers of Underwriting
Appropriate Language Use
Avoid Inappropriate Language
Avoid Jargon
Avoid Pretentious Language
Avoid Euphemism
Avoid Slang
Avoid Offensive Language
Reality Check! Coherence and Tone
Let Us Show You: Editing for Coherence and Tone
Now You Try: Editing for Coherence and Tone
Part 5: Writing Effective Arguments
Chapter 16. Making an Argument: It’s Rational -- And Fun
Everything’s an Argument! No, It Isn’t. Yes, Actually, It Is!
The Need for Logos: Evidence and Reasoning
Establishing Logos by Providing Examples
Claims versus Statements of Fact
Practice! Claims vs. Facts
Different Claims for Different Purposes
Expositions and Claims of Fact
Evaluations and Claims of Value
Proposals and Claims of Policy
Let Us Show You: Identifying Claims
Now You Try: Identifying Claims
Qualifies and Reservations
Practice! Narrowing Claims
Let Us Show You: Understanding Claims
Now You Try: Understanding Claims
Chapter 17. Supporting an Argument: Just Saying It Doesn’t Make It So
Factual Evidence
Evidence Doesn’t Speak for Itself
Acknowledging Your Assumptions
Let Us Show You: Supporting Claims with Factual Evidence
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Supporting Claims with Factual Evidence
Appeals Don’t Speak for Themselves, Either
Let Us Show You: Supporting Claims with Appeals
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Supporting Claims with Appeals
Expert Opinion
Not Even Expert Opinion Speaks for Itself
Let Us Show You: Supporting Claims with Expert Opinion
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Supporting Claims with Expert Opinion
Reality Check! The Elements of Argument
Arguments and Counter-Arguments
Let Us Show You: Arguments and Counter-Arguments
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Arguments and Counter-Arguments
Chapter 18. Faulty Reasoning: Bouncing the Check Your Argument Wrote
Reasoning: A Quick Review
Problems with Factual Evidence (or Inductive Fallacies)
Reality Check! Inductive Fallacies
Practice! Inductive Fallacies
Problems with Thinking About Evidence (or Deductive Fallacies)
Faulty Syllogisms
Reality Check! Faulty Syllogisms
Practice! Faulty Syllogisms
The Derailed Train of Thought
Reality Check! The Derailed Train of Thought
Practice! The Derailed Train of Thought
Failures of Perspective
Reality Check! Failures of Perspective
Practice! Failures of Perspective
Let Us Show You: Effective Reasoning
Talk Amongst Yourselves….
Now You Try: Effective Reasoning
Reality Check! Tune Up Your Reasoning
Chapter 19. Engaging the Reader: Oh, That’s What You Meant by “Conversation”
Needs and Values: Maslow’s Hierarchy
Let Us Show You: Connecting with the Reader
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Connecting with the Reader
Components of Pathos: Empathy and Evocation
Evoking Emotion: Show, Don’t Tell
Let Us Show You: Empathy and Evocation
Use Vivid and Active Language
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Empathy and Evocation
Damaging Your Pathos: Making Bad Assumptions About Needs and Values
Misjudging Appeals
Reality Check! Misjudging Appeals
Practice! Misjudging Appeals
Fallacies of Manipulation
Reality Check! Fallacies of Manipulation
Practice! Fallacies of Manipulation
Let Us Show You: Engaging the Reader
Reality Check! Engaging the Reader
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Engaging the Reader
Reality Check! Assessing Pathos
Part 6: Researching Effectively
Chapter 20. Research and Sources: The Intellectual Treasure Hunt
Strengthen Your Argument with Research
What Are Sources, Anyway?
Primary Sources
Secondary Sources
The Research Process: Not as Scary as You Think
Step #1: Formulate a Strong Research Question
Reality Check! Strong Research Questions
Let Us Show You: The Research Question
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: The Research Question
Step #2: Find Sources
Find Reliable Sources
Reality Check! Reliable Sources
Use the Library
Use the Broader Internet
Internet Research: A Giant Blessing
Reality Check! Practice Safe Webbing
Internet Research: A Bit of a Curse
Let Us Show You: Finding Sources
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Finding Sources
Step #3: Narrow Your Research Results
Reality Check! Narrowing Your Search Results
Now You Try: Narrowing Your Research Results
Chapter 21. Choosing and Using Sources: Do It Wisely
Step #4: Evaluate and Choose Sources
Reality Check! The Research Assignment
Watch for Bias in Your Sources
Choose the Most Relevant Sources
Reality Check! Evaluating and Choosing Sources
Let Us Show You: Evaluating and Choosing Sources
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Evaluating and Choosing Sources
Step #5: Understand Your Sources
Go Head-to-Head with Your Sources
Critical Analysis
Practice! Critical Analysis
A Note on “Boring and Confusing” Sources
Paraphrase Three Times
Let Us Show You: Understanding Your Sources
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Understanding Your Sources
Step #6: Take Good Notes
Keep Track of Your Sources
Develop a Reliable System of Note-Taking
Reality Check! Reliable Note-Taking
Let Us Show You: Taking Good Notes
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Taking Good Notes
Step #7: Integrate Sources into Your Essay
Practice! Summarizing
Practice! Paraphrasing
Practice! Quoting
Avoiding “Dropped” Source Material
Let Us Show You: Integrating Sources
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Integrating Sources
Chapter 22. Research and Ethics: Good Rules for Writers of Integrity
Authoritative Source Use: Being Well Informed
Failure of Authority: Being Under-Informed
Use More than One Secondary Source
Avoid Patchwork Plagiarism
Integrity: Being Honest With Yourself
Staying Open-Minded
Avoid Unintentional Plagiarism
Character: Being Honest With Your Reader
Dishonest or Misleading Use of Authority
Reality Check! Fallacies of Authority
Practice! Fallacies of Authority
Intentional Plagiarism
Ethics and Source Use: Citation
Why Cite Sources?
How to Cite Sources
Components of Citation
Let Us Show You: Ethical Use and Citation of Sources
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Reality Check! The Ethical College Research Paper
Now You Try: Ethical Use and Citation of Sources
And One More Thing: Ethos and Language Use
Part 7: Fine-Tuning the Text
Chapter 23. Writing with Style: Proofread for Clarity and Precision
Proofreading Matters
Use Standard English
The Rules—And Violations—of Standard English
Practice! Violations of Standard English
The Process of Proofreading
Use Your Computer: Spell-Checking and Grammar Checking
Reality Check! Responsible Spell-Checking
Use Your Brain: Actual Proofreading
Beyond Rules and Violations – Writing to Express, not Impress
Reality Check! Proofreading
Let Us Show You: Proofreading
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Proofreading
Chapter 24. Grammar and Usage: Make Your Words Behave
Problems with Verbs: Voice, Mood, Form, Agreement
Errors in Voice
Use the Active Voice
Use Strong Verbs
Errors in Mood
Use the Subjunctive Correctly
Errors in Form
Two Troublesome Verbs: Use and Suppose
Subject-Verb Agreement Errors
Practice! Problems with Verbs
Problems with Pronouns: Agreement, Reference, Perspective, Case
Errors in Pronoun Agreement
Practice Good Pronoun Agreement
Style with Pronoun Agreement
Unclear Pronoun Reference
Shifts in Perspective
Avoid the Rhetorical Use of You
Problems with Pronoun Case
Practice! Problems with Pronouns
Problems with Prepositions
Errors Based on Misheard Prepositions
Problems with Adjectives and Adverbs
Use Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Correctly
Commonly Misused/Confused Words
Reality Check: Grammar and Usage
Let Us Show You: Proofing for Grammar and Usage
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Proofing for Grammar and Usage
Chapter 25. Solving Sentence Structure Problems: Build a Solid Foundation
Problems with Clauses, Part 1: Fragments
Sentence Fragments
Fixing Fragments
Problems with Clauses, Part 2: Run-on Sentences
Fused Sentences and Comma Splices
Fixing Run-on Sentences
Practice! Fixing Fragments and Run-on Sentences
Problems with Sentence Structure and Purpose
Problem #1: Shifts
Avoid Shifts from Statement to Question
Avoid Shifts from Direct to Indirect Quotation
Problem #2: Mixed Constructions
Problem #3: Faulty Parallelism
Practice! Problems with Sentence Structure and Purpose
Problems with Phrases: Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers
Dangling Modifiers
Misplaced Modifiers
Practice! Problems with Modifiers
Let Us Show You: Proofing for Sentence Structure
Reality Check! Sentence Structure
Talk Amongst Yourselves….
Now You Try: Proofing for Sentence Structure
Chapter 26. Solving Problems with Punctuation: Form Healthy Relationships Between Words
Common Problems with Terminal Punctuation
Practice! Terminal Punctuation Marks
Common Problems with Internal Punctuation
Colons and Semicolons
Semicolons and Lists
Colons and Lists
Semicolons with Phrases and Clauses
Commas and Independent Clauses
Commas and Other Coordinating Conjunctions
Avoid Putting Commas Between Subjects and Verbs
Commas and Internal Phrases
Commas and Introductory Material
Practice! Internal Punctuation Marks
Common Problems with Grammatical & Mechanical Punctuation
Hyphens versus Dashes
Quotation Marks
Using Commas with Quotation Marks
Using Other Punctuation Marks with Quotation Marks
Avoid Using Quotation Marks Ironically
Create Correct Possessives and Contractions
Avoid Apostrophes with Possessive Pronouns
Practice! Grammatical and Mechanical Punctuation Marks
Practice! Punctuation
Let Us Show You: Proofing for Punctuation
Reality Check! Avoiding Common Punctuation Errors
Talk Amongst Yourselves…
Now You Try: Proofing for Punctuation
APPENDICES: The Writer’s Toolkit
Appendix A: Basic Grammar and Punctuation Reference
The Parts of Speech
Three Types of Nouns
Do a Noun Test
Three Types of Verbs
Verb Tense and Agreement
Identifying Verbs
Eight Types of Pronouns
Three Forms of Adjectives
Correlative Conjunctions
The Parts of the Sentence
Complete Verbs
Sentence Structure
Sentence Purpose
Terminal Punctuation Marks
Internal Punctuation Marks
The Semicolon
The Colon
The Comma
Dashes and Parentheses
Non-Structural Punctuation Marks
The Apostrophe
Quotation Marks
Appendix B. Writing and Citing Across the Curriculum
Writing in the Arts and Humanities
Citing Sources in the Humanities: MLA Style
MLA In-Text Citation (example)
MLA List of Works Cited (a.k.a. Bibliography) (example)
Writing in the Social Sciences
Citing Sources in the Social Sciences: APA Style
APA Parenthetical In-Text Citation
APA In-Text Citation (example)
APA List of References (a.k.a. Bibliography) (example)
Citing Sources Using Chicago Style
Chicago-Style Footnotes (example)
Writing in the Natural Sciences
Sources and Citation
The Bottom Line
Appendix C. Readings for Writers
The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln
“A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift
“The Deep Sadness of Elk That Don’t Run” by Michael Byrne
"Bad Feminist" by Roxanne Gay
"Serving Life for Surviving Abuse" by Jessica Pishko
“The Cosmic Perspective” by Neil DeGrasse Tyson
“Black Men and Public Spaces” by Brent Staples

Everything You Need to Know about College Writing, 2016 MLA Update
First Edition| 2017
Lynne Lerych; Allison DeBoer Criswell

Lynne Lerych

Allison DeBoer Criswell

Everything You Need to Know about College Writing, 2016 MLA Update
First Edition| 2017
Lynne Lerych; Allison DeBoer Criswell
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Everything You Need to Know about College Writing, 2016 MLA Update
First Edition| 2017
Lynne Lerych; Allison DeBoer Criswell
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