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Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
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A History of Western Society 13e is the same European History book that AP® students and teachers know and love – with easy readability, a multitude of primary sources, and attention to everyday life.
And now, a new wrap-around Teachers Edition offers ideas and strategies...
A History of Western Society 13e is the same European History book that AP® students and teachers know and love – with easy readability, a multitude of primary sources, and attention to everyday life.
And now, a new wrap-around Teachers Edition offers ideas and strategies to help students perfect their skills and master the content. This edition also includes new AP®-style questions in every chapter and time period.
A History of Western Society 13e is the same European History book that AP® students and teachers know and love – with easy readability, a multitude of primary sources, and attention to everyday life.
And now, a new wrap-around Teachers Edition offers ideas and strategies to help students perfect their skills and master the content. This edition also includes new AP®-style questions in every chapter and time period.
The AP® Historical Thinking Skills Primer explains each of the Historical Thinking Skills and Reasoning Processes in the Fall 2019 AP® European History Course and Exam Description and provides strategies for applying these skills to open-ended questions on the exam.
AP® Period Openers organize the book according to the AP® Course Framework and introduce important AP® topics that are covered in each period. The "Understanding AP® Themes" section poses questions that get students thinking about the AP® themes as they read the chapters.
New! AP® Exam Practice questions – written by seasoned AP® Exam Readers, Table Leaders, and College Board Consultants – provide AP®-style Multiple-Choice and Short-Answer questions at the end of each chapter, as well as Document-Based and Long-Essay questions at the end of each period.
New! A full-length AP® Practice Exam at the back of the book provides even more AP®-style questions that can be assigned as homework or timed in class.
A favorite feature of students and teachers alike, the books emphasis on social history integrates the lives of ordinary people with important historical events and developments. Three "Life" chapters focus only on social patterns from a given time period.
In-chapter features such as "Evaluating Visual Evidence", "Evaluating Written Evidence", "Thinking Like a Historian", and more build skills in analyzing primary sources, historical reasoning and argumentation.
New! The wrap-around Teacher’s Edition from experienced AP® teachers and exam readers, Nicki Griffin and Michelle Stacy, offers point-of-use tips and strategies for helping both new and experienced teachers.
New to This Edition
"I chose McKay for its breadth of coverage and readability. Kids, through the text, can gather greater understanding of material which they can then apply to better comprehend European History. Its a wonderful text that enhances and clarifies classroom instruction and helps prepare them well for the AP European History Exam."
--Paul LeVan, Pittsford Sutherland High School (NY)"This textbook provides everything necessary to engage the students and prepare them for the AP® European History College Board Exam. I would recommend it especially for sophomores who are taking the course, as it is appropriate for their reading level. What sets the textbook apart, is the opportunity to bring history to life through the treasure of primary source materials and activities both in the textbook and online."
-- Mark Rubino: CB East High School
A History of Western Society Since 1300 for the AP® Course
Thirteenth Edition| ©2020
John McKay; Clare Crowston; Merry Wiesner-Hanks; Joe Perry
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
A History of Western Society Since 1300 for the AP® Course
Thirteenth Edition| 2020
John McKay; Clare Crowston; Merry Wiesner-Hanks; Joe Perry
About the Authors
About the AP® Edition Contributors
Maps, Figures, and Tables
Special Features
How to Get the Most from This Program
AP® Historical Thinking Skills and Reasoning Processes: A Primer
Period 1: From Renaissance to Early Modern, ca. 1450–ca. 1648
11 The Later Middle Ages 1300–1450
How did climate change shape the late Middle Ages?
How did the plague affect European society?
What were the causes, course, and consequences of the Hundred Years’ War?
Why did the church come under increasing criticism?
What explains the social unrest of the late Middle Ages?
AP® Exam Practice
Viewpoints Italian and English Views of the Plague
Evaluating Visual Evidence Dance of Death
Evaluating Written Evidence The Trial of Joan of Arc
Individuals in Society Meister Eckhart
Thinking Like a Historian Popular Revolts in the Late Middle Ages
12 European Society in the Age of the Renaissance 1350–1550
How did political and economic developments in Italy shape the Renaissance?
What new ideas were associated with the Renaissance?
How did art reflect new Renaissance ideals?
What were the key social hierarchies in Renaissance Europe?
How did nation-states develop in this period?
AP® Exam Practice
Viewpoints Venice Versus Florence
Individuals in Society Leonardo da Vinci
Thinking Like a Historian Humanist Learning
Evaluating Written Evidence Thomas More, Utopia
Evaluating Visual Evidence A Gold Coin of Ferdinand and Isabella
13 Reformations and Religious Wars 1500–1600
What were the central ideas of the reformers, and why were they appealing to different social groups?
How did the political situation in Germany shape the course of the Reformation?
How did Protestant ideas and institutions spread beyond German-speaking lands?
What reforms did the Catholic Church make, and how did it respond to Protestant reform movements?
What were the causes and consequences of religious violence, including riots, wars, and witch-hunts?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence Martin Luther, On Christian Liberty
Evaluating Visual Evidence Lucas Cranach’s The True Church and the False Church, ca. 1546
Individuals in Society Anna Jansz of Rotterdam
Thinking Like a Historian Social Discipline in the Reformation
Viewpoints Catholic and Calvinist Churches
14 European Exploration and Conquest 1450–1650
What was the Afro-Eurasian trading world before Columbus?
How and why did Europeans undertake ambitious voyages of expansion?
What was the impact of European conquest on the New World?
How did Europe and the world change after Columbus?
How did expansion change European attitudes and beliefs?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence Columbus Describes His First Voyage
Thinking Like a Historian Who Was Doña Marina?
Individuals in Society Catarina de San Juan
Viewpoints Aztec and Spanish Views on Christian Conversion in New Spain
Evaluating Visual Evidence Depictions of Africans in European Portraiture
Period 2: Early Modern Transformations, ca. 1648 – ca. 1815
15 Absolutism and Constitutionalism ca. 1589–1725
What made the seventeenth century an "age of crisis" and achievement?
Why did France rise and Spain fall during the late seventeenth century?
What explains the rise of absolutism in Prussia and Austria?
What were the distinctive features of Russian and Ottoman absolutism?
Why and how did the constitutional state triumph in the Dutch Republic and England?
AP® Exam Practice
Thinking Like a Historian What Was Absolutism?
Evaluating Written Evidence Peter the Great and Foreign Experts
Individuals in Society Hürrem
Viewpoints Stuart Claims to Absolutism and the Parliamentary Response
Evaluating Visual Evidence Gonzales Coques, The Young Scholar and His Wife, 1640
16 Toward a New Worldview 1540–1789
What revolutionary discoveries were made in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?
What intellectual and social changes occurred as a result of the Scientific Revolution?
How did the Enlightenment emerge, and what were major currents of Enlightenment thought?
How did the Enlightenment change social ideas and practices?
What impact did new ways of thinking have on politics?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence Galileo Galilei, The Sidereal Messenger
Evaluating Visual Evidence Andreas Vesalius, Frontispiece to On the Structure of the Human Body
Thinking Like a Historian The Enlightenment Debate on Religious Tolerance
Viewpoints Rousseau and Wollstonecraft Debate Women’s Equality
Individuals in Society Moses Mendelssohn and the Jewish Enlightenment
17 The Expansion of Europe 1650–1800
How did European agriculture change between 1650 and 1800?
Why did the European population rise dramatically in the eighteenth century?
How and why did rural industry intensify in the eighteenth century?
What important changes occurred in economic thought and practice in the eighteenth century?
What role did colonial markets play in Europe’s development?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence Arthur Young on the Benefits of Enclosure
Thinking Like a Historian Rural Industry: Progress or Exploitation?
Viewpoints Opposing Views on Guilds and Economic Regulation
Evaluating Visual Evidence Mixed Races
Individuals in Society Rebecca Protten
18 Life in the Era of Expansion 1650–1800
How did marriage and family life change in the eighteenth century?
What was life like for children, and how did attitudes toward childhood evolve?
How did increasing literacy and new patterns of consumption affect people’s lives?
What role did religion play in eighteenth-century society?
How did the practice of medicine evolve in the eighteenth century?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence A Day in the Life of Paris
Individuals in Society Rose Bertin, "Minister of Fashion"
Thinking Like a Historian A New Subjectivity
Evaluating Visual Evidence Hogarth’s Satirical View of the Church
Viewpoints The Case for and Against Female Midwives
19 Revolutions in Politics 1775–1815
What were the factors behind the revolutions of the late eighteenth century?
Why and how did American colonists forge a new, independent nation?
How did the events of 1789 result in a constitutional monarchy in France?
Why and how did the French Revolution take a radical turn?
How did Napoleon Bonaparte create a French empire, and why did it fail?
How did slave revolt on colonial Saint-Domingue lead to the independent nation of Haiti?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence Abigail Adams, "Remember the Ladies"
Thinking Like a Historian The Rights of Which Men?
Viewpoints Contrasting Visions of the Sans-Culottes
Evaluating Visual Evidence Francisco Goya, The Third of May 1808
Individuals in Society Toussaint L’Ouverture
Period 3: The Long Nineteenth Century ca. 1815 – ca. 1914
20 The Revolution in Energy and Industry ca. 1780–1850
Why and how did the Industrial Revolution emerge in Britain?
How did countries outside Britain respond to the challenge of industrialization?
How did work and daily life evolve during the Industrial Revolution?
What were the social consequences of industrialization?
AP® Exam Practice
Individuals in Society Samuel Crompton
Evaluating Visual Evidence Rain, Steam, and Speed —the Great Western Railway
Viewpoints The Experience of Child Labor
Evaluating Written Evidence Advice for Middle-Class Women
Thinking Like a Historian Making the Industrialized Worker
21 Ideologies and Upheavals 1815–1850
How was peace restored and maintained after the Napoleonic Wars?
What new ideologies emerged to challenge conservatism?
What were the characteristics of the Romantic movement?
How did reforms and revolutions challenge conservatism after 1815?
What were the main causes and consequences of the revolutions of 1848?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence The Karlsbad Decrees: Conservative Reaction in the German Confederation
Thinking Like a Historian The Republican Spirit in 1848
Individuals in Society Mary Shelley
Evaluating Visual Evidence Casper David Friedrich, Two Men Contemplating the Moon, 1820
Viewpoints Picturing Revolutionary Violence in 1848
22 Life in the Emerging Urban Society 1840–1914
What were the main changes in urban life in the nineteenth century?
How did class and gender reinforce social difference in the nineteenth century?
How did urbanization affect family life and gender roles?
What were the most important changes in science and culture?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence First Impressions of the World’s Biggest City
Evaluating Visual Evidence Apartment Living in Paris
Individuals in Society Franziska Tiburtius
Thinking Like a Historian The Promise of Electricity
Viewpoints Émile Zola and Naturalism/Realism in Western Literature
23 The Age of Nationalism 1850–1914
What were the main features of the authoritarian nation-state built by Napoleon III?
How were strong nation-states forged in Italy, Germany, and the United States?
How did Russian and Ottoman leaders modernize their states and societies?
How did the relationship between government and the governed change after 1871?
What were the costs and benefits of nationalism for ordinary people?
How and why did revolutionary Marxism evolve in the late nineteenth century?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Visual Evidence The Proclamation of the German Empire, January 1871
Evaluating Written Evidence Eyewitness Account of Bloody Sunday
Thinking Like a Historian How to Build a Nation
Individuals in Society Theodor Herzl
Viewpoints Marxist Revisionism
24 The West and the World 1815–1914
What were the global consequences of European industrialization?
How was massive migration an integral part of Western expansion?
How did the New Imperialism change Western colonialism?
How did non-Westerners respond to Western expansion?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence Nativism in the United States
Evaluating Visual Evidence European Imperialism at Its Worst
Individuals in Society Cecil Rhodes
Viewpoints The White Man’s Versus the Brown Man’s Burden
Thinking Like a Historian Women and Empire
Period 4: The Twentieth Century and Beyond, ca. 1914 to the Present
25 War and Revolution 1914–1919
What caused the outbreak of the First World War?
How did the First World War differ from previous wars?
In what ways did the war transform life on the home front?
Why did world war lead to a successful Communist revolution in Russia?
What were the benefits and costs of the postwar peace settlement?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Visual Evidence Trench Warfare on the Western Front
Individuals in Society Vera Brittain
Viewpoints Wartime Propaganda Posters
Evaluating Written Evidence Peace, Land, and Bread for the Russian People
Thinking Like a Historian The Partition of the Ottoman Empire and the Mandate System
26 Opportunity and Crisis in the Age of Modernity 1880–1940
How did intellectual developments reflect the ambiguities of modernity?
How did modernism revolutionize Western culture?
How did consumer society change everyday life?
What obstacles to lasting peace did European leaders face?
What were the causes and consequences of the Great Depression?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence Friedrich Nietzsche Pronounces the Death of God
Individuals in Society Sigmund Freud
Evaluating Visual Evidence Modern Design for Everyday Use
Viewpoints The Modern Girl: Image or Reality?
Thinking Like a Historian The Radio Age
27 Dictatorships and the Second World War 1919–1945
What were the most important characteristics of Communist and Fascist ideologies?
How did Stalinism transform state and society in the Soviet Union?
What kind of government did Mussolini establish in Italy?
What policies did Nazi Germany pursue, and why did they appeal to ordinary Germans?
What explains the success and then defeat of Germany and Japan during World War II?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence Famine and Recovery on a Soviet Collective Farm in the Ukraine
Thinking Like a Historian Normalizing Eugenics and "Racial Hygiene" in Nazi Germany
Evaluating Visual Evidence Nazi Propaganda and Consumer Goods
Viewpoints Oratory and Ideology in World War II
Individuals in Society Primo Levi
28 Cold War Conflict and Consensus 1945–1965
Why was World War II followed so quickly by the Cold War?
What were the sources of postwar recovery and stability in western Europe?
What was the pattern of postwar development in the Soviet bloc?
How did decolonization proceed in the Cold War era?
What were the key changes in social relations in postwar Europe?
AP® Exam Practice
Viewpoints Cold War Propaganda
Evaluating Written Evidence De-Stalinization and Khrushchev’s "Secret Speech"
Thinking Like a Historian Violence and the Algerian War
Individuals in Society Armando Rodrigues
Evaluating Visual Evidence Postwar Youth Subcultures
29 Challenging the Postwar Order 1960–1991
Why did the postwar consensus of the 1950s break down?
What were the consequences of economic stagnation in the 1970s?
What led to the decline of "developed socialism" in the East Bloc?
What were the causes and consequences of the 1989 revolutions in the East Bloc?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence Human Rights Under the Helsinki Accords
Evaluating Visual Evidence The "May Events" in Paris, 1968
Individuals in Society Margaret Thatcher
Thinking Like a Historian The New Environmentalism
Viewpoints "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall"
30 Life in an Age of Globalization 1990 to the Present
How did life change in Russia and the former East Bloc countries after 1989?
How did globalization affect European life and society?
How is growing ethnic diversity changing contemporary Europe?
What challenges will Europeans face in the coming decades?
AP® Exam Practice
Evaluating Written Evidence President Putin on Global Security
Viewpoints Debating the Impact of Social Media and the Internet
Individuals in Society Edward Snowden
Thinking Like a Historian The Conservative Reaction to Immigration and Islamist Terrorism
Evaluating Visual Evidence The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin, Germany
AP® Practice Exam
Timeline A History of Western Society: A Brief Overview
A History of Western Society Since 1300 for the AP® Course
Thirteenth Edition| 2020
John McKay; Clare Crowston; Merry Wiesner-Hanks; Joe Perry
A History of Western Society Since 1300 for the AP® Course
Thirteenth Edition| 2020
John McKay; Clare Crowston; Merry Wiesner-Hanks; Joe Perry
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Unlock Your Preview.The Test Bank includes chapter-based questions and five AP®-style practice exams. This tool is available exclusively within the ExamView® Assessmen...
The Test Bank includes chapter-based questions and five AP®-style practice exams. This tool is available exclusively within the ExamView® Assessment Suite software. You may select from the provided questions or use the step-by-step tutorial to write your own. Questions can be sorted according to various metadata fields and scrambled to create different versions of tests. Tests may be printed or administered online using the ExamView® Player.
The Teacher’s Resource Flash Drive accompanies the Teacher’s Edition and contains materials to effectively plan the course, including chapter outli...
The Teacher’s Resource Flash Drive accompanies the Teacher’s Edition and contains materials to effectively plan the course, including chapter outlines, lecture guides, worksheets, model answers, lecture presentation slides, and more. All available on a flash drive for your convenience.
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A History of Western Society Since 1300 for the AP® Course
Thirteenth Edition| 2020
John McKay; Clare Crowston; Merry Wiesner-Hanks; Joe Perry
A History of Western Society Since 1300 for the AP® Course
Thirteenth Edition| 2020
John McKay; Clare Crowston; Merry Wiesner-Hanks; Joe Perry
Joe Perry talks about “Thinking like a Historian”
Making History Real and Relevant: A Talk with the Authors of A History of Western Society
These materials are owned by BFW High School Publishers or its licensors and are protected by United States copyright law. They are being provided solely for evaluation purposes only by instructors who are considering adopting BFW High School Publishers’s textbooks or online products for use by students in their courses. These materials may not be copied, distributed, sold, shared, posted online, or used, in print or electronic format, except in the limited circumstances set forth in the BFW High School Publishers Terms of Use and any other reproduction or distribution is illegal. These materials may not be made publicly available under any circumstances. All other rights reserved. © 2020 BFW High School Publishers.
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