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The best AP® psychology textbook is back and better than ever! Perfectly aligned to the new course framework, Myers’ Psychology for the AP® Course, fourth edition delivers the wit and poignant personal stories that you love as well as the new AP® skills development that you need. Also new to this edition, new co-author Elizabeth Yost Hammer brings a deep knowledge and understanding of the AP® psych course based on years of attending the AP® reading, including several years as the AP® Chief Reader. Together, David, Nathan, and Liz share a passion for supporting your teaching of psychological science.
Sail through the course changes with these unique features.
Module Structure. The 5 Units of the course are divided into short bite-sized modules that align with the new AP® Course and Exam Description for easier assignability and readability.
Learning Targets. Clear and measurable Learning Targets appear in statement form at the beginning of each module to provide students with a snapshot preview of the section material, while allowing them to check their understanding before moving on. The objectives are repeated in an engaging question form in context within the module, and then used at the end of each module for review.
A Margin Glossary provides a point-of-use highlight of the vocabulary students need to realize success on the AP® exam.
AP Exam Tips offer invaluable advice upon which concepts to focus and how to avoid common pitfalls so students can be successful in the course and on the exam.
Check Your Understanding. These features, found at the end of major sections of text, include Apply the Concept questions, which encourage students to apply new concepts to their own experiences, as well as Examine the Concept questions (with answers in Appendix E) that assess mastery and encourage big-picture thinking.
Module Reviews repeat the Learning Target questions and address them with a bulleted summary of key concepts covered throughout the module.
Unit Reviews include page-referenced Key Terms and Contributors to Remember.
Exam Prep All Year. Each module ends with multiple-choice questions and two free-response questions similar to those found on the AP® exam. The first FRQ for each module is paired with a rubric to guide students in how to respond to each question type and task verb.
Unit AP® Practice Questions. The textbook is divided into 5 major units. At the end of each unit, there is a practice exam containing 30-40 multiple-choice questions and 3 free-response questions. These exams give students a chance to practice AP® test-taking skills.
Cumulative AP® Psychology Practice Exam. The text offers one cumulative exam located at the end of the book that matches the actual AP® Psychology exam in length and scope.
The personal touch you’ve come to know and love.
Cartoons. Humorous cartoons are used to bolster student understanding by introducing levity to the course content.
Unit opening stories allow students to get to know and connect with the authors, as concepts are often introduce through the poignant personal stories from the authors’ lives.
New to This Edition
The book you love, with the alignment you need! The book’s new five units are divided into short bite-sized modules that precisely align with the new AP® Course and Exam Description.
Build a foundation with the Science Practices:
Prepare and practice for the AP® Psychology Exam.
Now aligned to the new Course and Exam Description the multiple-choice questions in the fourth edition include only four answer choices and offer more stimulus-based questions, and question sets.
"...when I [get funding for new books] I will probably go with Myers because he is able to write the information in a way high school students can understand and relate to. He also incorporates real life examples and stories throughout the units, yet keeps the rigor needed for an AP class."
-Lisa Hayashi, Kalani High School, Hawaii
"[The AP® Myers program is] By far the most logistically organized resource for AP® success. Dr. Myers is certainly the name to know and refer to for passing the AP® test and student preparation...."
-Donna Maygren, Adolfo Camarillo High School, California
"Myers Psychology for AP® text retains all of the pertinent information from the Myers *Psychology *text, with added features tailored to students preparing for the AP exam. I think that this text is the obvious choice for any school that is looking to give their students the best opportunity to excel in an AP Psychology class."
-Kim Ulven, Hawley High School, Minnesota
"I must say, Ive never seen students enjoy a textbook as much as Myers Psychology. I have students ask to take home the book just for some fun reading; Its truly a great textbook and makes Psychology fun and easy to teach."
-Scott Hooper, Captain Shreve High School, Louisiana
Myers' Psychology for the AP® Course
Fourth Edition| ©2024
David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; Elizabeth Yost Hammer
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
Myers' Psychology for the AP® Course
Fourth Edition| 2024
David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; Elizabeth Yost Hammer
Unit 0: An Introduction to Psychology Science Practices: Research Methods and Data Interpretation
Module 0.1 The Scientific Attitude, Critical Thinking, and Developing Arguments
Module 0.2 The Need for Psychological Science
Module 0.3 The Scientific Method and Description
Module 0.4 Correlation and Experimentation
Module 0.5 Research Design and Ethics in Psychology
Module 0.6 Statistical Reasoning in Everyday Life
Unit 0 AP® Practice Questions
Unit 1: Biological Bases of Behavior
Module 1.1 Interaction of Heredity and Environment
Module 1.2 Overview of the Nervous System
Module 1.3A The Neuron and Neural Firing: Neural Communication and the Endocrine System
Module 1.3B The Neuron and Neural Firing: Substance Use Disorders and Psychoactive Drugs
Module 1.4A The Brain: Neuroplasticity and Tools of Discovery
Module 1.4B The Brain: Brain Regions and Structures
Module 1.4C The Brain: Damage Response and Brain Hemispheres
Module 1.5A Sleep: Consciousness
Module 1.5B Sleep: Sleep Stages and Theories
Module 1.5C Sleep: Sleep Loss, Sleep Disorders, and Dreams
Module 1.6A Sensation: Basic Concepts
Module 1.6B Sensation: Vision
Module 1.6C Sensation: Hearing
Module 1.6D Sensation: Skin, Chemical, and Body Senses and Sensory Interaction
Unit 1 AP® Practice Questions
Unit 2: Cognition
Module 2.1A Perception: Influences on Perception
Module 2.1B Perception: Perceptual Organization and Interpretation
Module 2.2A Thinking, Problem-Solving, Judgments, and Decision-Making: Concepts and Creativity
Module 2.2B Thinking, Problem-Solving, Judgments, and Decision-Making: Solving Problems and Making Decisions
Module 2.3 Introduction to Memory
Module 2.4 Encoding Memories
Module 2.5 Storing Memories
Module 2.6 Retrieving Memories
Module 2.7 Forgetting and Other Memory Challenges
Module 2.8A Intelligence and Achievement: Theories of Intelligence
Module 2.8B Intelligence and Achievement: Assessing Intelligence
Module 2.8C Intelligence and Achievement: Stability of, and Influences on, Intelligence
Module 2.8D Intelligence and Achievement: Group Differences and the Question of Bias
Unit 2 AP® Practice Questions
Unit 3: Development and Learning
Module 3.1 Themes and Methods in Developmental Psychology
Module 3.2A Physical Development Across the Lifespan: Prenatal Development, Infancy, and Childhood
Module 3.2B Physical Development Across the Lifespan: Adolescence and Adulthood
Module 3.3A Gender and Sexual Orientation: Gender Development
Module 3.3B Gender and Sexual Orientation: The Biology and Psychology of Sex
Module 3.3C Gender and Sexual Orientation: Sexual Orientation
Module 3.4 Cognitive Development Across the Life Span
Module 3.5 Communication and Language Development
Module 3.6A Social-Emotional Development Across the Life Span: Infancy and Childhood
Module 3.6B Social-Emotional Development Across the Life Span: Adolescence, Emerging Adulthood, and Adulthood
Module 3.7A Classical Conditioning: Basic Concepts
Module 3.7B Classical Conditioning: Applications and Biological Limits
Module 3.8A Operant Conditioning: Basic Concepts
Module 3.8B Operant Conditioning: Applications, Biological Limits, and Contrasts with Classical Conditioning
Module 3.9 Social, Cognitive, and Neurological Factors in Learning
Unit 3 AP® Practice Questions
Unit 4: Social and Personality
Module 4.1 Attribution Theory and Person Perception
Module 4.2 Attitude Formation and Attitude Change
Module 4.3A Psychology of Social Situations: Conformity and Obedience
Module 4.3B Psychology of Social Situations: Group Behavior
Module 4.3C Psychology of Social Situations: Aggression
Module 4.3D Psychology of Social Situations: Attraction
Module 4.3E Psychology of Social Situations: Altruism, Conflict, and Peacemaking
Module 4.4 Introduction to Personality
Module 4.5A Psychoanalytic and Humanistic Theories of Personality: Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Theories
Module 4.5B Psychoanalytic and Humanistic Theories of Personality: Humanistic Theories
Module 4.6A Social-Cognitive and Trait Theories of Personality: Trait Theories
Module 4.6B Social-Cognitive and Trait Theories of Personality: Social-Cognitive Theories
Module 4.6C Social-Cognitive and Trait Theories of Personality: Exploring the Self
Module 4.7A Motivation: Motivational Concepts
Module 4.7B Motivation: Affiliation and Achievement
Module 4.7C Motivation: Hunger Motivation
Module 4.8A Emotion: Theories and Physiology of Emotion
Module 4.8B Emotion: Expressing and Experiencing Emotion
Unit 4 AP® Practice Questions
Unit 5: Mental and Physical Health
Module 5.1A Introduction to Health Psychology: Stress and Illness
Module 5.1B Introduction to Health Psychology: Coping With Stress
Module 5.2A Positive Psychology: Positive Emotions and Positive Traits
Module 5.2B Positive Psychology: Enhancing Well-Being
Module 5.3 Explaining and Classifying Psychological Disorders
Module 5.4A Selection of Categories of Psychological Disorders: Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, and Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders
Module 5.4B Selection of Categories of Psychological Disorders: Depressive Disorders and Bipolar Disorders
Module 5.4C Selection of Categories of Psychological Disorders: Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
Module 5.4D Selection of Categories of Psychological Disorders: Dissociative Disorders, Personality Disorders, Feeding and Eating Disorders, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Module 5.5A Treatment of Psychological Disorders: Introduction to Therapy, and Psychodynamic and Humanistic Therapies
Module 5.5B Treatment of Psychological Disorders: Behavior, Cognitive, and Group Therapies
Module 5.5C Treatment of Psychological Disorders: Evaluating Psychotherapies
Module 5.5D Treatment of Psychological Disorders: The Biomedical Therapies and Preventing Psychological Disorders
Unit 5 AP® Practice Questions
Enrichment Modules
Influences on Drug Use
Psychology at Work
Animal Thinking and Language
Appendix A Practice AP-Style Exam
Appendix B Preparing for Further Psychology Studies
Appendix C Answers to Examine the Concept Questions
Appendix D: Evidence-Based Questions and Article Analysis Questions
Myers' Psychology for the AP® Course
Fourth Edition| 2024
David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; Elizabeth Yost Hammer
David Myers received his B.A. in chemistry from Whitworth University, and his psychology Ph.D. from the University of Iowa. He has spent his career at Hope College, Michigan, where he has taught dozens of introductory psychology sections. Hope College students have invited him to be their commencement speaker and voted him “outstanding professor.” His research and writings have been recognized by the Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize, an Honored Scientist award from the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences, an Award for Distinguished Service on Behalf of Social-Personality Psychology, a Presidential Citation from APA Division 2, election as an American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow, and three honorary doctorates.
With support from National Science Foundation grants, Myers’ scientific articles have appeared in three dozen scientific periodicals, including Science, American Scientist, Psychological Science, and American Psychologist. In addition to his scholarly and textbook writing, he digests psychological science for the general public. His writings have appeared in four dozen magazines, from Today’s Education to Scientific American. He also has authored six general audience books, including, in 2022, How Do We Know Ourselves? Curiosities and Marvels of the Human Mind. And he blogs about psychology and life at
David Myers has chaired his city’s Human Relations Commission, helped found a thriving assistance center for low-income families, and spoken to hundreds of college, community, and professional groups worldwide. Drawing on his experience of hearing loss, which now includes a cochlear implant, he also has written articles and a book (A Quiet World) about hearing loss, and he is advocating a transformation in U.S. assistive listening technology (see For his leadership, he has received awards from the American Academy of Audiology, the hearing industry, and the Hearing Loss Association of America.
David and Carol Myers met and married while undergraduates, and have raised sons Peter and Andrew, and a daughter, Laura. They have one grandchild, Allie.
Nathan DeWall is professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky. He received his bachelor’s degree from St. Olaf College, a master’s degree in social science from the University of Chicago, and a master’s degree and Ph.D. in social psychology from Florida State University. DeWall received the College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award, which recognizes excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching. The Association for Psychological Science identified DeWall as a “Rising Star” early in his career for “making significant contributions to the field of psychological science.” He has been included in the top 1 percent of all cited scientists in psychology and psychiatry on the Institute for Scientific Information list, according to the Web of Science. DeWall conducts research on close relationships, self-control, aggression, the psychology of religion, and intellectual humility. With funding from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the John Templeton Foundation, he has published 225 scientific articles and chapters. DeWall’s research awards include the SAGE Young Scholars Award from the Foundation for Personality and Social Psychology, the Young Investigator Award from the International Society for Research on Aggression, and the Early Career Award from the International Society for Self and Identity. His research has been covered by numerous media and entertainment outlets, including Good Morning America, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, The Atlantic Monthly, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Harvard Business Review, USA Today, National Public Radio, The Guardian, the BBC, and Netflix. He has lectured nationally and internationally, including in Hong Kong, China, the Netherlands, England, Greece, Hungary, Sweden, Australia, and France.
Nathan is happily married to Alice DeWall and is the proud father of Beverly “Bevy” and Ellis. He also enjoys taking care of the family dog, “Artie.” As an ultramarathon runner, he completed numerous races, including the Badwater 135 in 2017 (dubbed “the World’s toughest foot race”). In his spare time now, he enjoys hiking, attending live concerts, setting up and maintaining aquariums, watching sports, and playing guitar and singing in local rock bands.
Elizabeth Yost Hammer is the director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Faculty Development and a Kellogg professor in teaching at Xavier University of Louisiana. Her work in the center includes organizing pedagogical workshops and faculty development initiatives for instructors, both new and seasoned, and thinking generally about teaching and learning. Yet her favorite part of her job is in the classroom, trying out new teaching innovations. She is a recipient of the College of Arts & Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award, and received an XU Girls Rock! Award from Xavier students. She regularly teaches introductory psychology, research methods, health psychology, and human sexuality.
Liz received her Ph.D. in social psychology from Tulane University in 1994. Her research interests focus on the scholarship of teaching and learning, and she has contributed to books intended to enhance teaching preparation, including The Oxford Handbook of Psychology Education, Hot Topics: Best Practices in Teaching Controversial Issues in Psychology, and Effective College and University Teaching: Strategies and Tactics for the New Professoriate. In addition, Liz has published in Teaching of Psychology, for which she has served as consulting editor, and a special teaching-related issue of the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology.
In 2005, Liz was named a Fellow of the American Psychological Association. She is a past president of Psi Chi (the international honor society in psychology) and a past treasurer of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology. AP® psychology has had an influential role in Liz’s professional development. She began attending the AP® psychology reading in 1998, where she developed a national network of dedicated high school teachers who have informed both her own teaching and her faculty development work. Liz served as chief reader for AP® psychology from 2012 to 2016 and was a co-strand leader (along with Randy Ernst) at the 2017 APA Summit on High School Psychology Education.
Liz is married to Elliott Hammer, who is also a psychology professor and is involved in AP® psychology. They and their two rescue dogs work and play in New Orleans, Louisiana. They maintain their mental health by spending time camping and hiking in a national park every summer.
Myers' Psychology for the AP® Course
Fourth Edition| 2024
David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; Elizabeth Yost Hammer
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Myers' Psychology for the AP® Course
Fourth Edition| 2024
David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; Elizabeth Yost Hammer
Myers' Psychology for the AP® Course
Fourth Edition| 2024
David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall; Elizabeth Yost Hammer
David Myers: Thinking Critically in our "Post-Truth" World
Get To Know David Myers
Get To Know Nathan DeWall
Make Things Memorable
David Myers, best-selling introductory psychology author from Worth Publishers, talks about how to make things memorable and study more effectively through the "Testing Effect."
Self Control: Teaching Students About Their Greatest Inner Strength with Nathan DeWall
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