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Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
With the power of BFW's Achieve platform behind it, this engaging and modern introduction to statistics helps prepare students for success in this course and in life. Structured into bite-sized lessons with many integrated activities to get students “doing statistics” from the s...
With the power of BFW's Achieve platform behind it, this engaging and modern introduction to statistics helps prepare students for success in this course and in life. Structured into bite-sized lessons with many integrated activities to get students “doing statistics” from the start, this program helps students understand the “why” and “how” of statistics. The robust resource program, including student and teacher e-books with resources integrated at point-of-use and online homework with thorough guided feedback makes this the ideal homework for in person or a virtual learning environment.
Statistics for every student.
With the power of BFW's Achieve platform behind it, this engaging and modern introduction to statistics helps prepare students for success in this course and in life. Structured into bite-sized lessons with many integrated activities to get students “doing statistics” from the start, this program helps students understand the “why” and “how” of statistics. The robust resource program, including student and teacher e-books with resources integrated at point-of-use and online homework with thorough guided feedback makes this the ideal homework for in person or a virtual learning environment.
New to This Edition
There are now 11 chapters that are more similar in length – with 6-8 lessons in each chapter.
Introduce Normal distributions as models for data earlier in the book, to match modern practice.
Overhauled Achieve online Homework
Increase students’ focus on solidifying essential knowledge as a precursor to mastering concepts and skills.
Expand and refine the video program to support students and teachers more effectively
Statistics and Probability with Applications (High School)
Fourth Edition| ©2021
Daren Starnes; Josh Tabor; Luke Wilcox
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
Statistics and Probability with Applications (High School)
Fourth Edition| 2021
Daren Starnes; Josh Tabor; Luke Wilcox
About the Authors
To the Student
Chapter 1 Analyzing One-Variable Data
Lesson 1.1 Statistics: The Science and Art of Data
Lesson 1.2 Displaying Categorical Data
Lesson 1.3 Displaying Quantitative Data: Dotplots
Lesson 1.4 Displaying Quantitative Data: Stemplots
Lesson 1.5 Displaying Quantitative Data: Histograms
Lesson 1.6 Measuring Center
Lesson 1.7 Measuring Variability
Lesson 1.8 Summarizing Quantitative Data: Boxplots and Outliers
Chapter 2 Modeling One-Variable Quantitative Data
Lesson 2.1 Describing Location in a Distribution
Lesson 2.2 Transforming Data
Lesson 2.3 Density Curves and the Normal Distribution
Lesson 2.4 The Empirical Rule and Assessing Normality
Lesson 2.5 Normal Distributions: Finding Areas from Values
Lesson 2.6 Normal Distributions: Finding Values from Areas
Chapter 3 Analyzing Two-Variable Data
Lesson 3.1 Relationships Between Two Categorical Variables
Lesson 3.2 Relationships Between Two Quantitative Variables
Lesson 3.3 Correlation
Lesson 3.4 More about Correlation
Lesson 3.5 Regression Lines
Lesson 3.6 The Least-Squares Regression Line
Lesson 3.7 Assessing a Regression Model
Chapter 4 Collecting Data
Lesson 4.1 Introduction to Data Collection
Lesson 4.2 Sampling: Good and Bad
Lesson 4.3 Sampling and Surveys
Lesson 4.4 Inference for Sampling
Lesson 4.5 Observational Studies and Experiments
Lesson 4.6 How to Experiment Well
Lesson 4.7 Inference for Experiments
Lesson 4.8 Using Studies Wisely
Chapter 5 Probability
Lesson 5.1 Randomness, Probability, and Simulation
Lesson 5.2 Basic Probability Rules
Lesson 5.3 Two-Way Tables and Venn Diagrams
Lesson 5.4 Conditional Probability and Independence
Lesson 5.5 The General Multiplication Rule and Tree Diagrams
Lesson 5.6 The Multiplication Rule for Independent Events
Lesson 5.7 The Multiplication Counting Principle and Permutations
Lesson 5.8 Combinations and Probability
Chapter 6 Random Variables
Lesson 6.1 Two Types of Random Variables
Lesson 6.2 Analyzing Discrete Random Variables
Lesson 6.3 Binomial Random Variables
Lesson 6.4 Analyzing Binomial Random Variables
Lesson 6.5 Normal Approximation to Binomial Distributions
Chapter 7 Sampling Distributions
Lesson 7.1 What Is a Sampling Distribution?
Lesson 7.2 Sampling Distributions: Center and Variability
Lesson 7.3 The Sampling Distribution of a Sample Proportion
Lesson 7.4 The Sampling Distribution of a Sample Mean
Lesson 7.5 The Central Limit Theorem
Chapter 8 Estimating a Parameter
Lesson 8.1 The Idea of a Confidence Interval
Lesson 8.2 What Affects the Margin of Error?
Lesson 8.3 Estimating a Proportion
Lesson 8.4 Confidence Intervals for a Proportion
Lesson 8.5 Estimating a Mean
Lesson 8.6 Confidence Intervals for a Mean
Chapter 9 Testing a Claim
Lesson 9.1 The Idea of a Significance Test
Lesson 9.2 Significance Tests and Decision Making
Lesson 9.3 Testing a Claim about a Proportion
Lesson 9.4 Significance Tests for a Proportion
Lesson 9.5 Testing a Claim about a Mean
Lesson 9.6 Significance Tests for a Mean
Chapter 10 Comparing Two Populations or Treatments
Lesson 10.1 Estimating a Difference Between Two Proportions
Lesson 10.2 Testing a Claim about a Difference Between Two Proportions
Lesson 10.3 Estimating a Difference Between Two Means
Lesson 10.4 Testing a Claim about a Difference Between Two Means
Lesson 10.5 Paired Data: Estimating a Mean Difference
Lesson 10.6 Paired Data: Testing a Claim about a Mean Difference
Chapter 11 Inference for Distributions and Relationships
Lesson 11.1 Testing the Distribution of a Categorical Variable
Lesson 11.2 Chi-Square Tests for Goodness of Fit
Lesson 11.3 Testing the Relationship Between Two Categorical Variables
Lesson 11.4 Chi-Square Tests for Association
Lesson 11.5 Estimating the Slope of a Least-Squares Regression Line
Lesson 11.6 Testing a Claim about the Slope of a Least-Squares Regression Line
Notes and Data Sources
Table A Standard Normal Probabilities
Table B t Distribution Critical Values
Table C Chi-Square Distribution Critical Values
Table D Random Digits
Statistics and Probability with Applications (High School)
Fourth Edition| 2021
Daren Starnes; Josh Tabor; Luke Wilcox
Josh Tabor has enjoyed teaching on-level and AP® Statistics to high school students for more than 26 years, most recently at The Potter’s School. He received a BS in Mathematics from Biola University, in La Mirada, California. In recognition of his outstanding work as an educator, Josh was named one of the five finalists for Arizona Teacher of the Year in 2011. He is a past member of the AP® Statistics Development Committee (2005–2009) as well as an experienced Reader, Table Leader, Question Leader, and Exam Leader at the AP® Statistics Reading since 1999. In 2013, Josh was named to the SAT® Mathematics Development Committee. Each year, Josh leads one-week AP® Summer Institutes and one-day College Board workshops around the country and frequently speaks at local, national, and international conferences. In addition to teaching and speaking, Josh has authored articles in The American Statistician, The Mathematics Teacher, STATS Magazine, and The Journal of Statistics Education. Combining his love of statistics and love of sports, Josh teamed with Christine Franklin to write Statistical Reasoning in Sports, an innovative textbook for on-level statistics courses. Josh is also coauthor of the popular on-level text - Statistics and Probability with Applications (now in its fifth edition) and the new college text Introductory Statistics: A Student-Centered Approach. Outside of work, Josh enjoys gardening, traveling, and playing board games with his family.
Statistics and Probability with Applications (High School)
Fourth Edition| 2021
Daren Starnes; Josh Tabor; Luke Wilcox
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Statistics and Probability with Applications (High School)
Fourth Edition| 2021
Daren Starnes; Josh Tabor; Luke Wilcox
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