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Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
Statistics and Probability with Applications, Third Edition is the only introductory statistics text written by high school teachers for high school teachers and students. Daren Starnes, Josh Tabor, and the extended team of contributors bring their in-depth understanding of statistics an...
Statistics and Probability with Applications, Third Edition is the only introductory statistics text written by high school teachers for high school teachers and students. Daren Starnes, Josh Tabor, and the extended team of contributors bring their in-depth understanding of statistics and the challenges faced by high school students and teachers to development of the text and its accompanying suite of print and interactive resources for learning and instruction.
A complete re-envisioning of the authors’ Statistics Through Applications, this new text covers the core content for the course in a series of brief, manageable lessons, making it easy for students and teachers to stay on pace. Throughout, new pedagogical tools and lively real-life examples help captivate students and prepare them to use statistics in college courses and in any career.
Statistics and Probability with Applications, Third Edition is the only introductory statistics text written by high school teachers for high school teachers and students. Daren Starnes, Josh Tabor, and the extended team of contributors bring their in-depth understanding of statistics and the challenges faced by high school students and teachers to development of the text and its accompanying suite of print and interactive resources for learning and instruction.
A complete re-envisioning of the authors’ Statistics Through Applications, this new text covers the core content for the course in a series of brief, manageable lessons, making it easy for students and teachers to stay on pace. Throughout, new pedagogical tools and lively real-life examples help captivate students and prepare them to use statistics in college courses and in any career.
The ten chapters are divided into 71 easy-to-teach Lessons, making course management smoother and more intuitive.
Each Lesson includes 2-3 Learning Targets, with each Target supported 1:1 with a worked example and a set of practice exercises.
A Lesson App closes every lesson, bringing together the three lesson learning targets in a real-world setting.
STATS applied! opens and closes each chapter by introducing students to the types of researchers explore in fields like biology, public health, etc.
212 Worked examples help students understand the problem-solving process. Each Worked Example includes "teacher talk" balloons highlighting important steps, plus an accompanying Example Video more more guidance.
Try it Problems mirror each worked example provide immediate reinforcement or direct students back to the appropriate model example when they are doing homework assignments.
Altogether, the practice sets in SPA include more than 1600 exercises in total.
Each Lesson ends with four helpful categories of paired exercises.
Chapter review exercises tie the lessons together. Each of these exercises has an accompanying solution video which reviews the problem step by step.
A comprehensive test concludes each chapter
Interactive Learning
High-interest activities built into each chapter let students explore concepts and techniques in class.
Tech Corners give brief directions about how to use TI-83/84 graphing calculators and the new statistical applets effectively.
New to This Edition
New Applets – developed by Bob Amar (The Lovett School) exclusively for the third edition, the new applets are easy to use for teachers and students to perform simulations and to generate statistical graphs and data so that the focus is on understanding instead of calculation.
Student Site -- the applets, Worked Example Videos, Chapter Review
Exercise Videos, and additional resources for students can be accessed through the student site on the catalog page
“Activities are critical to student learning of statistics. The Applications are like gold. If students can do the application, they have learned what they needed from that lesson.” Luke Wilcox, East Kentwood High School, Kentwood, MI
“Teachers should try to build in inferential thinking whenever possible. The book does a nice job of beginning the concept of inference early on so they should try to take advantage of that. The more students can think about inference, the stronger their statistical thinking will become.” Lindsey Gallas, East Kentwood High School, Kentwood, MI
“I love that one can cover an entire section in one class period. I like the spiral and review to begin class." Vicki Greenberg, The Weber School, Atlanta, GA
Statistics and Probability with Applications (High School)
Third Edition| ©2017
Daren Starnes; Josh Tabor
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
Statistics and Probability with Applications (High School)
Third Edition| 2017
Daren Starnes; Josh Tabor
Statistics and Probability with Applications (High School)
Third Edition| 2017
Daren Starnes; Josh Tabor
Josh Tabor has enjoyed teaching on-level and AP® Statistics to high school students for more than 26 years, most recently at The Potter’s School. He received a BS in Mathematics from Biola University, in La Mirada, California. In recognition of his outstanding work as an educator, Josh was named one of the five finalists for Arizona Teacher of the Year in 2011. He is a past member of the AP® Statistics Development Committee (2005–2009) as well as an experienced Reader, Table Leader, Question Leader, and Exam Leader at the AP® Statistics Reading since 1999. In 2013, Josh was named to the SAT® Mathematics Development Committee. Each year, Josh leads one-week AP® Summer Institutes and one-day College Board workshops around the country and frequently speaks at local, national, and international conferences. In addition to teaching and speaking, Josh has authored articles in The American Statistician, The Mathematics Teacher, STATS Magazine, and The Journal of Statistics Education. Combining his love of statistics and love of sports, Josh teamed with Christine Franklin to write Statistical Reasoning in Sports, an innovative textbook for on-level statistics courses. Josh is also coauthor of the popular on-level text - Statistics and Probability with Applications (now in its fifth edition) and the new college text Introductory Statistics: A Student-Centered Approach. Outside of work, Josh enjoys gardening, traveling, and playing board games with his family.
Statistics and Probability with Applications (High School)
Third Edition| 2017
Daren Starnes; Josh Tabor
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Unlock Your Preview.Statistics and Probability with Applications, Third Edition is the only introductory statistics text written by high school teachers for high schoo...
Statistics and Probability with Applications, Third Edition is the only introductory statistics text written by high school teachers for high school teachers and students. Daren Starnes, Josh Tabor, and the extended team of contributors bring their in-depth understanding of statistics and the challenges faced by high school students and teachers to development of the text and its accompanying suite of print and interactive resources for learning and instruction.
A complete re-envisioning of the authors’ Statistics Through Applications, this new text covers the core content for the course in a series of brief, manageable lessons, making it easy for students and teachers to stay on pace. Throughout, new pedagogical tools and lively real-life examples help captivate students and prepare them to use statistics in college courses and in any career.
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Statistics and Probability with Applications (High School)
Third Edition| 2017
Daren Starnes; Josh Tabor
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These materials are owned by BFW High School Publishers or its licensors and are protected by United States copyright law. They are being provided solely for evaluation purposes only by instructors who are considering adopting BFW High School Publishers’s textbooks or online products for use by students in their courses. These materials may not be copied, distributed, sold, shared, posted online, or used, in print or electronic format, except in the limited circumstances set forth in the BFW High School Publishers Terms of Use and any other reproduction or distribution is illegal. These materials may not be made publicly available under any circumstances. All other rights reserved. © 2020 BFW High School Publishers.
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