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The Communist Manifesto
With Related DocumentsSecond Edition| ©2018 Karl Marx and Frederick Engels; edited by John E. Toews
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Does the closing of the cold war era open up the possibility of reading the Communist Manifesto in new ways? In the first teaching edition of the post-Cold War era, Toews proposes new guidelines for reassessing the work to help students reconstruct the meaning of the Manifesto in its time and at the close of the twentieth century. Together with the complete text of the work, this brief volume includes some key foundational documents by Hegel, Feverbach, Marx, Engels, and others that show the evolution of and influences on Marxist theory over time. The editors introduction traces the trajectory of Marxs thought from the 1830s onward, while providing background on the political, social, and intellectual contexts of which the Manifesto was a historical product.
New to This Edition

The Communist Manifesto
Second Edition| ©2018
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels; edited by John E. Toews

The Communist Manifesto
Second Edition| 2018
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels; edited by John E. Toews
Table of Contents
Introduction: Historical Contexts of the Communist Manifesto
Immediate Historical Contexts of the Manifesto
Historical Premises of the Manifesto
Specters of Politics and Ideology
From the Manifesto to Capital: The Lessons of History and the Laws of History
The Document
Related Documents
1. Alexis de Tocqueville, Recollections: The French Revolution of 1848, 1987
2. Frederick Engels, Draft of a Communist Confession of Faith, June 9, 1847
3. Frederick Engels, from A Letter to Karl Marx, November 23/24, 1847
4. Frederick Engels, from The Condition of the Working Class in England, 1845
5. Robert Owen, from Report to the Country of Lanark, 1820
6. Charles Fourier, from The Theory of the Four Movements and of the General Destinies, 1808
7. Charles Fourier, from The Theory of Universal Unity, 1841-1843
8. Robert Owen, from Report to the Country of Lanark, 1820
9. The Six Points of the People’s Charter, 1838
10. James Bronterre O’Brien, Private Property, 1841
11. G.W.F. Hegel, from Reason in History: A General Introduction to the Philosophy of History, 1837
12. Ludwig Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity, 1957
13. Karl Marx, from Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Law, 1844
14. Karl Marx, from On the Jewish Question, 1843
15. Ludwig Feuerbach, from Principles of the Philosophy of the Future, 1843
16. Moses Hess, A Communist Credo: Questions and Answers, 1844
17. Karl Marx, from The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, 1844
18. Karl Marx, Theses on Feuerbach, 1845
19. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, from The German Ideology, 1845-1846
20. Karl Marx, from The Class Struggles in France, 1848-1850, 1850
21. Karl Marx, from The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, 1852
22. Karl Marx, from Inaugural Address of the Working Men’s International Association, October 1864
23. Karl Marx, Afterword to the Second German Edition of Capital, 1873
24. Karl Marx, The Fetishism of Commodities and the Secret Thereof, 1867
25. Frederick Engels, Speech at Karl Marx’s Funeral, March 1883
Chronology for the Historical Contexts of the Manifesto (1765 – 1895)
Questions for Consideration
Selected Bibliography

The Communist Manifesto
Second Edition| 2018
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels; edited by John E. Toews

Karl Marx

Frederick Engels

John E. Toews

The Communist Manifesto
Second Edition| 2018
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels; edited by John E. Toews
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