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Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
In 2014, College Board rolled out a new AP® U.S. History course, which centered less on memorizing content and more on developing skills. Since then, the course has been modified here and there, but very little has changed in AP® textbooks—content is still king. Until now. Fabric of a Nation<...
In 2014, College Board rolled out a new AP® U.S. History course, which centered less on memorizing content and more on developing skills. Since then, the course has been modified here and there, but very little has changed in AP® textbooks—content is still king. Until now. Fabric of a Nation is the first book to truly embrace this dramatic shift in the AP® course and in how history is taught.
Built from the ground up by long-time AP® leaders Jason Stacy and Matt Ellington, this book offers a new approach to AP® US History by seamlessly integrating:
Now, that’s revolutionary!
In 2014, College Board rolled out a new AP® U.S. History course, which centered less on memorizing content and more on developing skills. Since then, the course has been modified here and there, but very little has changed in AP® textbooks—content is still king. Until now. Fabric of a Nation is the first book to truly embrace this dramatic shift in the AP® course and in how history is taught.
Built from the ground up by long-time AP® leaders Jason Stacy and Matt Ellington, this book offers a new approach to AP® US History by seamlessly integrating:
Now, that’s revolutionary!
A Brief Narrative:
There is only so much time in the school year. In order to focus on skills development, you need more focused content. Fabric of a Nation delivers a brief, approachable historical narrative that covers all of the essential content of the AP® course, with plenty of interesting anecdotes and a crisp writing style to keep students engaged.
Straightforward modular organization:
Fabric of a Nation has an easy-to-use modular organization that pulls together content, sources, skills and AP® exam practice into brief 1- to 2-day lessons. Modules help solve the problem of when to introduce which skills, how to blend sources with content, and how to pace the course throughout the year. Everything you and your students need is there.
Instructional Features Woven Throughout
Skill-building is best done in-context. That’s why Fabric of a Nation weaves features throughout the text that help students engage with the narrative and encounter relevant primary and secondary sources.
Scaffolded Instructional Design:
Inspired by the authors’ classroom experience and based on sound pedagogical principles, the instruction in Fabric of a Nation scaffolds learning throughout the course of the book.
An Emphasis on Visual Analysis:
From stimulus-based multiple-choice questions to SAQs and DBQs, visual primary and secondary sources have become a major part of the AP® U.S. History exam, and a major challenge for students. To support students and build visual analysis skills, Fabric of a Nation provides an analytical question with every image in the book, asking students to draw on their historical knowledge to analyze and respond.
Integrated AP® Exam Practice:
Fabric of a Nation gives students ample opportunity to practice their new AP® skills via AP® Exam Practice sections that appear at the end of every Period and a full-length practice AP® Exam at the back of the book. The Writing Historically boxes notwithstanding, you will find more than 190 Multiple-Choice Questions, 40 Short-Answer Questions, 9 Document-Based Questions, and 27 Long-Essay Questions in the AP® Exam Practice sections.
New to This Edition
"The structure of this book will be so much easier for new teachers of APUSH to work with. I teach an introductory APSI to our new APUSH teachers. Repeatedly, I hear how overwhelming the course is. It is difficult for them to integrate all the content with the skills necessary for the course. Often the skills get pushed to the end and they try to teach them as they review for the AP exam. This is an excellent resource that will enable them to learn to teach the course effectively."
– Rhonda Rush, Homewood HS, AL"The modular structure is an idea well overdue…. [T]he traditional narrative American history book is overwhelming to most high school students. Teachers new to teaching AP also are intimidated by the content and skills they are expected to teach. This modular approach will help students and teachers alike by helping prioritize historical content while focusing on building skills."
– Becky Berry, Morgantown HS, WV"The book’s greatest strength is the way that it provides scaffolding for students. The introduction of historical thinking skills and repetition [of writing tasks] with increasing difficulty will help students master the historical thinking skills in a way that encourages growth…. I would absolutely recommend that version of this book, especially because of the way that the skill-building features build upon the previous features."
– Carlene Baurichter, Blair-Taylor Middle-High School, WI"There are several selling points to this book. First, the content is not too in depth. But it provides core examples for the students to use in their analysis, writing and thinking. Also, the scaling of the skills allows for students to access the higher levels of the class without being overwhelmed from the start."
– James Zucker, Loyola HS, CA
Achieve is a comprehensive set of interconnected teaching and assessment tools that incorporate the most effective elements from Macmillan Learning's market leading solutions in a single, easy-to-use platform.
Period 1 • till 1607 : Europeans Make Claims in the Americas
Module 1-1 • Diverse American Indian Societies Module
Module 1-2 • Portugal and Spain Expand Their Reach Module
Module 1-3 • The Columbian Exchange Module
Module 1-4 • Spanish Colonial Society
Period 1 Review • till 1607
AP® Exam Practice • through 1607
Period 2 • 1607-1754 : Colonial America amid Global Change
Module 2-1 • European Challengers to Spanish North America
Module 2-2 • Early British Colonies in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina
Module 2-3 • Religious Dissent, and Colonial Conflicts in New England
Module 2-4 • The British West Indies and South Atlantic Colonies
Module 2-5 • The Middle Colonies
Module 2-6 • The Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Economy
Module 2-7 • Slavery Takes Hold in the South
Module 2-8 • Imperial Contests in Trade and War
Module 2-9 • Religious and Political Awakenings
Period 2 Review • 1607-1754
AP® Exam Practice • through 1754
Period 3 • 1754-1800 : A Revolutionary Era
Module 3-1 • International Conflicts Cause Colonial Tensions
Module 3-2 • Resistance to Britain Intensifies
Module 3-3 • The American Revolution Begins
Module 3-4 • Winning the War for Independence
Module 3-5 • Governing in Revolutionary Times, 1776-1787
Module 3-6 • Reframing the American Government
Module 3-7 • Legacies of the American Revolution
Module 3-8 • George Washington Unites a Nation
Module 3-9 • Political Parties in Years of Crisis
Period 3 Review • 1754-1800
AP® Exam Practice • through 1800
Period 4 • 1800-1848 : Democracy, Industrialization, and Reform
Module 4-1 • Political and Economic Transformations
Module 4-2 • Defending and Redefining the Nation
Module 4-3 • Transportation and Market Revolutions Change America
Module 4-4 • The Second American Party System
Module 4-5 • Conflicts of the Jacksonian Era
Module 4-6 • Slavery and Southern Society
Module 4-7 • Social Reform Movements
Module 4-8 • Abolitionism and Sectionalism
Period 4 Review • 1800-1848
AP® Exam Practice • through 1848
Period 5 • 1844-1877 : Expansion, Division, and Civil War
Module 5-1 • Manifest Destiny
Module 5-2 • Compromise and Conflict
Module 5-3 • From Sectional Crisis to Southern Secession
Module 5-4 • Disunion and War
Module 5-5 • Victory for the North
Module 5-6 • Reconstruction Begins
Module 5-7 • Reform and Resistance
Module 5-8 • Reconstruction Undone
Period 5 Review • 1844-1877
AP® Exam Practice • through 1877
Period 6 • 1865-1898 : A Gilded Age
Module 6-1 • Westward Expansion and American Indian Resistance
Module 6-2 • Industry in the West
Module 6-3 • The New South
Module 6-4 • American Industrializes
Module 6-5 • Working People Organize
Module 6-6 • A New Wave of Immigrants
Module 6-7 • Becoming an Urban Nation
Module 6-8 • Society and Culture in the Gilded Age
Module 6-9 • Gilded Age Ideologies
Module 6-10 • Politics and Protest
Period 6 Review • 1865-1898
AP® Exam Practice • through 1898
Period 7 • 1890-1945 : New Imperialism and Global Conflicts
Module 7-1 • Progressivism
Module 7-2 • Social and Political Reform
Module 7-3 • Foundations of U.S. Imperialism
Module 7-4 • Foreign Policy and World War I
Module 7-5 • Life in the Aftermath of World War I
Module 7-6 • The Transitional 1920s
Module 7-7 • Economic Instability and Depression
Module 7-8 • The New Deal
Module 7-9 • America Enters World War II
Module 7-10 • The Homefront
Module 7-11 • Victory in World War II
Period 7 Review • 1890-1945
AP® Exam Practice • through 1945
Period 8 • 1945-1980 : Cold War America
Module 8-1 • The Early Cold War
Module 8-2 • The Second Red Scare
Module 8-3 • The Post-World War II Economy
Module 8-4 • Cultural Shifts of the 1950s
Module 8-5 • Civil Rights in an Era of Conformity
Module 8-6 • The Cold War Continues Abroad and at Home
Module 8-7 • The Vietnam War
Module 8-8 • The New Frontier and Great Society
Module 8-9 • The Civil Rights Movement
Module 8-10 • Politics of the 1970s
Module 8-11 • Society and Culture of the 1970s
Period 8 Review • 1945-1980
AP® Exam Practice • through 1980
Period 9 • 1980 to the Present
Module 9-1 • Conservative Governance
Module 9-2 • The End of the Cold War
Module 9-3 • Toward the Twenty-First Century
Module 9-4 • The Global War on Terror and Political Conflict at Home
Period 9 Review • 1980 to the Present
AP® Exam Practice • through the Present
Practice AP® Exam
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Meet Jason Stacy, co-author of Fabric of a Nation
Listen as co-author Jason Stacy introduces the revolutionary new text, Fabric of a Nation.
Author Talk
Meet Matt Ellington, co-author of Fabric of a Nation
Co-author Matt Ellington explains what makes Fabric of a Nation different from other APUSH® books and how you can revolutionize your classroom with its program.
Author Talk
These materials are owned by BFW High School Publishers or its licensors and are protected by United States copyright law. They are being provided solely for evaluation purposes only by instructors who are considering adopting BFW High School Publishers’s textbooks or online products for use by students in their courses. These materials may not be copied, distributed, sold, shared, posted online, or used, in print or electronic format, except in the limited circumstances set forth in the BFW High School Publishers Terms of Use and any other reproduction or distribution is illegal. These materials may not be made publicly available under any circumstances. All other rights reserved. © 2020 BFW High School Publishers.
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