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Islam in the Indian Ocean World
A Brief History with DocumentsFirst Edition| ©2016 Omar H. Ali
This volume provides an understanding of how Islam changed the Indian Ocean world and vice versa — a world historical lesson that stretches across several centuries, a vast ocean, its littoral, and in some cases well into the interior parts of this world. It underscores the role of Islam as a rel...
This volume provides an understanding of how Islam changed the Indian Ocean world and vice versa — a world historical lesson that stretches across several centuries, a vast ocean, its littoral, and in some cases well into the interior parts of this world. It underscores the role of Islam as a religious, economic, social, and political force in the Indian Ocean world. This title is useful both for instructors who base their approach to world history on encounters and connections and to those who use a civilizational model and need help in showing such connections at key historical moments. Including accounts from Muslims, Christians, and Buddhists, the documents highlight a complex and nuanced picture of the spread and influence of Islam. Document headnotes, a chronology, and analytical questions help students to place the spread of Islam across the Indian Ocean world in global historical context.
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This volume provides an understanding of how Islam changed the Indian Ocean world and vice versa — a world historical lesson that stretches across several centuries, a vast ocean, its littoral, and in some cases well into the interior parts of this world. It underscores the role of Islam as a religious, economic, social, and political force in the Indian Ocean world. This title is useful both for instructors who base their approach to world history on encounters and connections and to those who use a civilizational model and need help in showing such connections at key historical moments. Including accounts from Muslims, Christians, and Buddhists, the documents highlight a complex and nuanced picture of the spread and influence of Islam. Document headnotes, a chronology, and analytical questions help students to place the spread of Islam across the Indian Ocean world in global historical context.
New to This Edition
"This title is a useful supplementary text with a sophisticated yet accessible introduction and a wide range of interesting documents on a timely topic in Islamic, world, and Asian history for which there are few works suitable for the classroom."
– Douglas Chambers, University of Southern Mississippi"Using up-to-date scholarship the author shows how Islam and the Indian Ocean world were transformed by people over time."
– Katya Vladimirov, Kennesaw State University

Islam in the Indian Ocean World
First Edition| ©2016
Omar H. Ali

Islam in the Indian Ocean World
First Edition| 2016
Omar H. Ali
Table of Contents
ForewordPreface and AcknowledgmentsList of MapsPART ONEINTRODUCTION: Expansion and Transformation of Islam in the Indian Ocean WorldMuhammad and the UmmahIslamization and Afro-AsianizationArabia and Muslims Beyond the PeninsulaMerchants, Law, and CustomSufis, Ulema, and SocietyEast Africa: Abyssinia and the Swahili CoastSouth Asia: Delhi, the Deccan, and MalabarSoutheast Asia: Sumatra, Malacca, and AcehConclusion
PART TWO THE DOCUMENTS1. Ibn Battuta, Marco Polo, and Zheng He1. Ibn Battuta, The Travels of Ibn Battuta, ca. 13502. Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo, ca. 12943. Zheng He, The Overall Survey of the Ocean’s Shores, 14332. Trade, Society, and Social Customs4. Abd-er-Razzak, Narrative of the Journey of Abd-Er-Razzak, Ambassador from Shah Rukh, 14425. Muhammad ibn Asad Jalal ud-din al-Dawwani, Jalalean Ethics, ca. 1475 6. Ahmad Ibn Majid, Book of Useful Information on the Rules of Navigation, 1490; and Gathering of the Summarizing of the Concerning the First Principalsof the Knowledge of the Seas, 14627. Zain al-Din al-Malibari, Gift of the Mujahidin, 15838. Tomé Pires, Suma Oriental, 1512-1515 9. Duarte Barbosa, The Book of Duarte Barbosa: An Account of the Countries Bordering on the Indian Ocean and Their Inhabitants, ca. 151610. Antoine Galland (tr.), The Thousand and One Nights, 171711. François Bernier, Travels in the Mogul Empire, ca. 16683. Islamic Law, the Qur’ān, and Hadith12. The Call to Prayer, Azzan, ca. 62213. Fakhr ud-din al-Razi, An Encyclopedia of the Sciences, ca. 117514. Maulana Burhan ud-din Marghinani, Guidance, ca. 119515. Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali, Revival of the Religious Sciences, ca. 110016. Abu Amr Uthman, Letter to the Mamluk Sultan of Egypt, ca. 139217. Ahmad al-Wansharisi, The Clear Measure, ca. 148518. Selections from the Qur’an, ca. 610-632 19. Sahih Al-Bukhari, Selections from the Hadith, ca. 8464. Muslim Polities and Politics20. Chauney H. Stigand, The Land of Zinj: Being an Account of British East Africa, Its Ancient History and Present Inhabitants, 191321. An Arabic Account of Kilwa Kisiwani, ca. 152022. A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama, 1497-149923. Hans Mayr, On the Sack of Kilwa and Mombasa, 150524. Gulbadan Begum, The History of Humayun, ca. 160025. Pieter van den Broeke, On Malik Ambar, ca. 161026. Imperial Edict from Chittagong, Bengal, 16665. Conversion and Religious Practice 27. Muhammad Ibn Jubayr, The Travels of Ibn Jubayr: Being the Chronicle of a Medieval Spanish Moor, 1183Nizari Ismaili Qawali Devotional Songs28. Pir Hassasn Shah (attrib.), "From His Light He Created the Earth," ca. 145029. Pir Fazal Shah (attrib.), "How Tired Are My Eyes," ca. 162530. The Chronicles of the Kings of Pasai, ca. 135031. Muhammad Mujir Wajib Adib, The Key to Paradise, ca. 1350Women’s Devotional Songs32. Shaykh Gisu Daraz (attrib.), "Grindstone Song," ca. 145033. Shaykh Salar (attrib.), "Spinning Wheel Song," ca. 1500 34. Mukundaram, Kavikankana Candi, ca. 159035. Malay Annals, ca. 155036. Abd al-Ra’uf, Essential Exposition and Clarification on the Visionary Experience of the Dying and what Gladdens Him, ca. 16506. Pluralism, Syncretism, and Reaction37. Amīr Khusraw, Persian Ghazals, ca. 130038. Muhammad ibn Sasra, A Chronicle of Damascus, 1389-139739. Abd al-Qadir Badauni, On Akbar’s Tolerance, 159540. Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi, Collected Letters, ca. 160041. Dara Shikoh, "The Secret of Unity," ca. 165042. Dara Shikoh, "Paradise," ca. 165043. "Na’t of the Prophet," ca. 160044. "In the Garden of the Prophet," ca. 160045. Abd ul-Haqq al-Dihlawi al-Bukhari, The Perfection of Faith, ca. 165046. Ibn ‘Umar Mihrabi, The Indian Proof, ca. 1615APPENDIXESA Chronology of Islam in the Indian Ocean World (570-1704)Questions for ConsiderationSelected BibliographyIndex

Omar H. Ali
Omar H. Ali (Ph.D., Columbia University) is associate professor of comparative African diaspora history and interim dean of the Lloyd International Honors College at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He is the author of Malik Ambar: Power and Slavery across the Indian Ocean and wrote the essays for the exhibit "The African Diaspora in the Indian Ocean World" for the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture at The New York Public Library, adopted by UNESCO as part of the "The International Year for People of African Descent." Along with colleagues at his university, he founded the Islamic Studies Research Network. His work examines the intersection of the global African diaspora and Islam.

Islam in the Indian Ocean World
First Edition| 2016
Omar H. Ali
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