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Macroeconomics for AP®
Second Edition| ©2015 Margaret Ray; David A. Anderson; Paul Krugman
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The ultimate resource for success in AP® Macroeconomics
Krugman’s Macroeconomics for AP® second edition is designed to be easy to read and easy to use. This book is your ultimate tool for success in the AP® Macroeconomics course and Exam.
The text combines the successful storytelling, vivid examples, and clear explanations of Paul Krugman and Robin Wells with the AP® expertise of Margaret Ray and David Anderson. In this exciting new edition of the AP® text, Ray and Anderson successfully marry Krugman’s engaging approach and captivating writing with content based on The College Board’s AP® Economics Course outline, all while focusing on the specific needs and interests of high school teachers and students. Special Package with David Andersons Economics by Example As an added bonus, a special high school (hardcover) printing of co-author David Anderson’s Economics By Example is bundled with the textbook absolutely free. Throughout the text and instructors materials, teachers will find suggestions for how to integrate chapters from Economics by Example into their course. To package for free with Economics by Example please use this ISBN: 1319040640.Features
- Learning Objectives establish measurable goals for each module
- Modular Review Questions allow students to practice what they have learned with AP® style questions.
- Section Review Material include detailed summaries of each module as well as page-referenced key terms and AP® style multiple-choice and free-response questions
New to This Edition
Featuring page fidelity that ensures the e-Book matches the print text, each user may download and read the e-Book on multiple devices. Use it on a PC, Mac, iPad or Android tablet.
When you take notes on one device they automatically sync once you log on to your CopiaClass account and are connected to the internet. E-BOOK & COURSE MATERIALS
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In-depth discussions and feedback within the content itself foster a dynamic learning environment.
Teachers can easily find and deliver content and customize materials to address specific learning needs.
Online/offline access to content, notes, and collaboration tools ensures that teachers and students can engage with the learning material from multiple access points.
For Students More Support for the AP Exam
- AP® Exam Tips in the margins throughout the text offer invaluable on-the-spot advice about key concepts and common pitfalls.
- More AP® Exam Practice at the end of each module and section.
- A Full length AP®-style practice exam at the end of the text for even more AP® support.
- Strive for a 5 by Melanie Fox—in separate macro and micro versions, the guides help students evaluate their understanding of the material covered in the textbook, reinforce key concepts, develop conceptual understanding and graphing skills, and prepare to succeed on the AP® Macroeconomics and Microeconomics exams
- Module-level "Flip It" Videos offer concise explanations of key concepts.
- Section Review Videos offer more detailed examinations of big picture ideas, key graphs, and common mistakes.
Brand new to this edition, the wrap-around Teacher’s Edition a helpful primer on teaching AP® Economics with on-page, wrap-around teaching tips and answers to all questions within the student text. Professional Development (PD) videos featuring the author of each section remind teachers of key content to cover and common pitfalls to avoid.

Macroeconomics for AP®
Second Edition| ©2015
Margaret Ray; David A. Anderson; Paul Krugman

Macroeconomics for AP®
Second Edition| 2015
Margaret Ray; David A. Anderson; Paul Krugman
Table of Contents
Section 1 Basic Economic Concepts Module 1 The Study of EconomicsModule 2 Introduction to Macroeconomics
Module 3 The Production Possibilities Curve Model
Module 4 Comparative Advantage and Trade
Appendix Graphs in Economics Section 2 Supply and Demand
Module 5 Supply and Demand: Introduction and Demand
Module 6 Supply and Demand: Supply
Module 7 Supply and Demand: Equilibrium
Module 8 Supply and Demand: Price Controls (Ceilings and Floors)
Module 9 Supply and Demand: Quantity Controls Section 3 Measurement of Economic Performance
Module 10 The Circular Flow and Gross Domestic Product
Module 11 Interpreting Real Gross Domestic Product
Module 12 The Meaning and Calculation of Unemployment
Module 13 The Causes and Categories of Unemployment
Module 14 Inflation: An Overview
Module 15 The Measurement and Calculation of Inflation Section 4 National Income and Price Determination
Module 16 Income and Expenditure
Module 17 Aggregate Demand: Introduction and Determinants
Module 18 Aggregate Supply: Introduction and Determinants
Module 19 Equilibrium in the Aggregate Demand–Aggregate Supply Model
Module 20 Economic Policy and the Aggregate Demand–Aggregate Supply Model
Module 21 Fiscal Policy and Multiplier Effects Section 5 The Financial Sector
Module 22 Saving, Investment, and the Financial System
Module 23 The Definition and Measurement of Money
Module 24 The Time Value of Money
Module 25 Banking and Money Creation
Module 26 The Federal Reserve System: History and Structure
Module 27 The Federal Reserve System: Monetary Policy
Module 28 The Money Market
Module 29 The Market for Loanable Funds Section 6 Inflation, Unemployment, and Stabilization Policies
Module 30 Long-Run Implications of Fiscal Policy: Deficits and the Public Debt
Module 31 Monetary Policy and the Interest Rate
Module 32 Money, Output, and Prices in the Long Run
Module 33 Types of Inflation, Disinflation, and Deflation
Module 34 Inflation and Unemployment: The Phillips Curve
Module 35 History and Alternative Views of Macroeconomics
Module 36 Consensus and Conflict in Modern Macroeconomics Section 7 Economic Growth and Productivity
Module 37 Long-Run Economic Growth
Module 38 Productivity and Growth
Module 39 Growth Policy: Why Economic Growth Rates Differ
Module 40 Economic Growth in Macroeconomic Models Section 8 The Open Economy: International Trade and Finance
Module 41 Capital Flows and the Balance of Payments
Module 42 The Foreign Exchange Market
Module 43 Exchange Rate Policy and Macroeconomic Policy
Module 44 Barriers to Trade
Module 45 Putting It All Together AP® Practice Exam
Enrichment Module
Module A: Financial Markets and Crises Financial Literacy Handbook Glossary Index

Macroeconomics for AP®
Second Edition| 2015
Margaret Ray; David A. Anderson; Paul Krugman

Margaret Ray
Margaret Ray teaches economics at both the university and high school levels. She is an AP® Economics instructor for Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Talented Youth and is a member of the economics department faculty at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. She received her BS in economics from Oklahoma State University and her PhD in economics from the University of Tennessee. In 2012, she received her MEd in curriculum and instruction and became certified to teach K–12 social studies. She has taught AP® Economics at several high schools in Virginia and has received the Council on Economic Education’s Excellence in Teaching Economics award. She has been involved in the AP® Economics program since 1992, serving as a reader and question leader, writing test items, overseeing the AP® course audit, writing College Board® “Special Focus” articles, and editing the Council on Economic Education’s AP® Macroeconomics resource. She has been a College Board® Endorsed Consultant for economics since 2001, and she conducts several professional development workshops and institutes each year. Her favorite hobby is showing hunter-jumper horses adopted from bracehorse rescue organizations. She lives on a small farm in central Texas.

David A. Anderson
David Anderson is the Paul G. Blazer Professor of Economics at Centre College. He received his BA in economics from the University of Michigan and his MA and PhD in economics from Duke University. Anderson has been involved in the AP® Economics programs for more than two decades. For five years he led the grading of one or both of the AP® Economics exams, and he speaks regularly at AP® conferences and workshops. He has authored dozens of scholarly articles and 15 books, including Explorations in Economics, Survey of Economics, Cracking the AP® Economics Exam, Economics by Example, Favorite Ways to Learn Economics, and Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management . His research is primarily on economic education, environmental economics, law and economics, and labor economics. Anderson loves teaching introductory economics and has won awards for excellence and innovation in the classroom. His favorite hobby is running, and he competes in marathons and triathlons. He lives in Danville, Kentucky, with his wife and two children.

Paul Krugman

Macroeconomics for AP®
Second Edition| 2015
Margaret Ray; David A. Anderson; Paul Krugman
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